Winter Garden approves PACE programs, selects mayor pro-tem

Property Assessed Clean Energy programs now are permitted within Winter Garden city limits.

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  • | 12:58 p.m. April 24, 2020
  • West Orange Times & Observer
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Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution April 23 to allow the commercial PACE program will be authorized to be administered within city limits on a non-exclusive basis.

Property Assessed Clean Energy programs, "a financing mechanism used for energy efficiency, renewable energy and wind mitigation upgrades to properties," according to city documents.

According to city documents, Florida Statute authorizes PACE financing to be repaid as a non-ad valorem special assessment on the property’s regular tax bill. This is processed the same way as other local public-benefit assessments.

"Commercial properties will be able to utilize voluntary non-ad valorem assessments to finance qualifying improvements under the PACE program," city documents state.

Among other items on the agenda was selection of mayor pro-tem. City leaders voted unanimously for Commissioner Bob Buchanan as the new mayor pro-tem.


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