- March 14, 2025
Tonight, city leaders will see the first reading of a proposed apartment complex to be located on a 14.87-acre property situated on the northeast corner of N. West Crown Point Road and E. Plant Street. The project developer, WP South Acquisitions, LLC, aims to rezone the property from Arterial Commercial District (C-2) to Character Area Planned Unit Development to make way for five three-story buildings which would host 250 apartment dwelling units, eight garage buildings, 400 parking spaces, as well as recreation areas, sidewalks and landscaping. The project applicant also plans to develop the land located west of the train tracks as a park and dedicate it to the city, according to city documents. The second reading and approval hearing for this rezone request is anticipated to take place during the April 25 city commission meeting.
Winter Garden commissioners will also see the second reading and approval hearing for a proposed office development located at 43 First Street. The first reading for the rezone request, which would allow for the development of a one-story, 3,200-square-foot office building, was held during the March 14 commission meeting. The building would serve as the headquarters for VMG Construction, a commercial-construction subcontractor, who aims to rezone the 0.54-acre property from C-2 (Arterial Commercial District) to PCD (Planned Commercial Development.