- January 1, 2025
Eat more.....
Fruits and vegetables: naturally low in calories and high in water and fiber
low fat diary: research shows that the calcium in skim milk, string cheese and yogurt may help burn fat
whole grains:they are rich in fiber and more filling.
lean protein:Its slowly digested so it stays in your stomach longer
salads and broth based soups; start your meals with a high volume, low calorie food like vegetable soup and you will eat less overall
beans and legumes: Toss some black beans or chickpeas into your salad at lunch. High in fiber!
Eat less.....
sweetened cereals and yogurt: The typical six ounce cotainer of yogurt with fruit on the bottom packs more than two tablespoons of sugar....more than 200 calories
white carbs such as bread, pasta, and rice:empty calories and little fiber
"fake-foods" like rice cakes: not only are they loaded with heart-clogging saturated fat, these foods also invite mindless eating.
Eat a Lot Less Often...
Sweeetened drinks such as soda and iced tea. Drinking just one soda a day equals about 150 calories
Bagesl, muffins, cakes, and cookies
Butter, mayonaise and full fat salad dressing
Best foods to Eat When you are Starving.......
Whole grain cereal such as Shredded Wheat n Bran
—Sue Grafton
Health Coach