- January 16, 2025
DENVER, COLORADO. Margaret Reper and Pat Gleason attended the 2014 convention of the TransAtlantic Brides and Parents Association (a British heritage society) in Denver in August, and they took a copy of the West Orange Times. During their visit, they enjoyed a thrilling ride to the summit of Loveland Pass, Continental Divide, located in the Rocky Mountains of north central Colorado.
We still are accepting submissions for our Travelin’ Times photo contest. Entering is easy! Just snap a photo of you with the paper at your destination of choice and email it to Community EditorAmy Quesinberry Rhode, [email protected]. Include the names of everyone in the photo, where it was taken and a phone number at which we can reach you. You also can mail or drop off the photo to: West Orange Times, 720 S. Dillard St., Winter Garden 34787. Call the newspaper office at (407) 656-2121 with questions.