Old Times 07.10.14

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  • | 12:08 a.m. July 10, 2014
Old Times 10.29.15
Old Times 10.29.15
  • West Orange Times & Observer
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45 years ago

Local reactions to man’s first visit to the moon were no different than in other communities all over the world. Words just seemed to fail to express the awesome event, and “utterly fantastic” seemed to be the only description available.

From “Barbs & Bouquets by Don:” They’ve got a live-wire bunch in Gotha. Recently it was reported that some 51 members have signed up for its Chamber of Commerce. Didn’t know there were so many good citizens in the village.

40 years ago

Robert Struthers of Winter Garden and Stan Lummus of Oakland, students at Lakeview High School, can honestly tell their friends they have spent the summer studying the birds and the bees. They are among 36 students from across the nation spending six weeks at Nebraska Wesleyan University in a training project in environmental science sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Delta Burke, recently selected “Miss Florida,” made a big hit with the Winter Garden Lions Club. She was introduced to the guests by Lion Foy Maloy and was presented a key to the city by Lion C.H. Johnson, mayor of

Winter Garden.

35 years ago

Jesse Green and Jerry Van Dyke have constructed new shelves for the Windermere Library with lumber purchased by the Library Boosters. The new shelves, already filled with books, may be viewed during the new summer hours of the library.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Pounds were honored with a reception at the West Orange Country Club hosted by their children. About 400 friends attended the celebration of their 65th wedding anniversary. With their parents in the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pounds of Winter Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pounds of Winter Garden and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pounds of Windermere.

30 years ago

Almost a century of railroading in West Orange and South Lake counties came to a close as the last revenue run of the Seaboard System Railroad’s Extra #362 rolled over the tracks between Lakeview Road (just west of Winter Garden) and Groveland. Operations began in 1886 when the Orange Belt Railroad completed the line from Longwood to Oakland.


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