Old Times 06.12.14

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  • | 8:50 p.m. June 12, 2014
Old Times 10.29.15
Old Times 10.29.15
  • West Orange Times & Observer
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60 years ago

Boy Scout Troop 210, sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Winter Garden with Joe Gufford as Scoutmaster, closed a week at Camp Lanoche. Scouts at camp were Buddy Schmitt, Pat Moran, Robert Garner, Billy Jones, Jimmy Kerr, Ron Anderson, Bill Cappleman, Billy Stagg, Stanley Starr, Frank Milwee, Richard McCord, Ward Britt, J.B. Johnson, Stanley Roper, Tommy DeLoach, Ron Strosnider and Roger Strosnider.

45 years ago

At the awards dinner, Bill Arrington, president of the West Orange Country Club, presented awards to three members whose efforts have contributed to the success of the club: Gibbs Ashley, first active president; Franklin Cappleman, acting president during the first year and construction of the club; and Glenn Joiner in appreciation for his work in promoting the club.

Lex Veech was named club champion for the year with Bill Loggins as runner-up. In the ladies division, Norman McMillan was named champion for 1969 with Faye Ashley as runner-up.

Orlando’s own astronaut, John Young, will return to Orlando next week, according to Robert G. Neel, chairman of the Orlando Chamber of Commerce John Young Welcoming Committee. Commander Young has recently returned from a historic trip around the moon. 

40 years ago

Gov. Reubin Askew was welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd at a West Orange Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Winter Garden Inn. It immediately followed a personal inspection tour of the West Orange Memorial Hospital’s new 88-room wing.

Connie Crawford of Winter Garden, president of the Orlando Women’s Republican Club, and Marcia Frey, wife of Congressman Lou Frey, were among those attending the state convention of the Florida Young Republicans in Orlando.

35 years ago

In ceremonies at the White House, Rosalynn Carter presented one of 19 national first-place awards to James F. Gollattscheck, president of Valencia Community College, and Bert T. Foster, landscape architect, for the landscaping at the West Campus of Valencia.

The West Orange Debutantes of 1979, sponsored by the West Orange Junior Service League, are Kristin Boardman, Leslie Dabbs, Debbie Davis, Susan Dorman, June Greer, Kim Guernsey, Tracie Hall, Beverly Hart, Melodye Hendrix, Janet Hickman, Becky Howard, Virginia Spigener, Debbie Strickland, Susan Wolfe and Billie Youngblood. 

20 years ago

Discover Florida’s natural beauty at the now-open Tibet Butler Preserve. The Vera Carter Environmental Center at the preserve is the first facility of its kind in Orange County. It was named for the former Orange County commissioner who was instrumental in procuring the land for public use.

Carolyn Sparks, coach of the Dr. Phillips High School girls golf team, has been named State Coach of the Year for the second year in a row. Her team has won two consecutive state championships.


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