- January 17, 2025
60 years ago
Lakeview High School is getting that “new look,” according to the Orange County School Maintenance Department. Every room in the school will be painted. Any master painter in this area who seeks work should contact the Orlando headquarters since several more painters are needed.
Al Sutton, president of the Winter Garden Rotary Club, entertained his board members and officers with a steak dinner at Vick’s Café. Attending were Gene Cappleman, Franklin Cappleman, George Barley, Tom Cox, George Daniels, Lew Warden, Charles Root, Jim Bock, Max Millitzer and Hart Miller.
40 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Pounds, marking 60 years of marriage on July 20, celebrated ahead of time with a two-week Carribean cruise on the Norwegian ship The Sun Viking. They were accompanied by their daughter, Harriet Zeiss of Sebring.
Jacque Dennis, bride-elect of Steve Dunegan, was honored with a lingerie shower by Mary Ann McMillan and her daughters, Mary Beth and Janet.
35 years ago
This is the eighth year that Steve and Connie Holland have spent the 10-week racing season at the Pompano Beach quarter horse racetrack shuttling between Winter Garden and Pompano Beach. At least 17 of the horses that run during this racing season are out of the Hollands’ stables in Winter Garden. For several years, they were accompanying Connie’s father, the late T.M. “Mark” Britt, whose interest in quarter horses dated back to the 1940s. The “sprinter” of the horse world, it tires over long distances and the race course is usually about a quarter of a mile (hence its name.)
30 years ago
Randy Freeman of Ocoee has been named head debate coach at the University of Florida. In addition to coaching the Debate Team at UF, he will be working on his Ph.D. degree in communications research.
From Editor’s Notebook: Di Anne Collier, owner of Di Anne’s Grooming and Boarding, reported that there has been an ongoing blessed event at her home during the past weeks as 37 baby pythons have hatched into the world. The mother is doing fine — all 15 feet and 70 pounds of her. (Her weight dropped about 20 pounds in childbirth.) The dad, a mere 9 1/2 feet and 45 pounds, has been relegated to the back yard while Mom and the kids occupy the living room.