- March 10, 2025
NOV. 15
400 block of Briley Avenue. Burglary. At 2:09 p.m., an officer met a complainant whose bicycle and lawnmower had been stolen within the prior two days. The complainant had checked his son-in-law, the lead suspect, into a rehabilitation center in the morning and then noticed the items were missing from his locked shed when he returned. The complainant said his son-in-law might have sold the items, along with $250 of meat purchased via his daughter’s food stamp card, for drugs. The suspect had lived at the residence on and off for a few months with the three children he shares with the complainant’s daughter. The daughter found drug paraphernalia on the porch, which were submitted as evidence. Police could not determine how a suspect had entered the locked shed.
NOV. 16
Johns Landing Way and Regina Circle. Driving While License Revoked. An officer performed a traffic stop at 4:06 p.m. after noticing a vehicle with an expired dealer tag. The driver offered his Florida ID card and said his license was suspended but he was going to see a sick friend. Dispatchers confirmed the suspect’s license had been revoked as a habitual traffic violator for driving under the influence. The officer arrested the suspect and then transported him to Orange County Jail.
NOV. 15
800 block of 9th Street. Burglary. An officer responded to a call about a suspicious incident around 11 a.m. Three males appeared to be breaking into an automotive business, a witness said. When officers questioned the suspects, the driver of the suspects’ parked vehicle said they had stopped because his car had broken down and the steering had failed. Officers ultimately arrested the suspects when this story did not pan out. One officer recovered a bumper, an engine starter, an instrument cluster and two power mirrors as evidence. They were worth about $89 altogether and returned to the business owner. Police also charged the suspects with burglary of a structure worth around $3,500.
NOV. 16
15000 block of Heron Hideaway Circle. Stolen Vehicle. At 3:13 p.m., an officer responded to a dispute between two males over a set of keys to a truck, which the suspect immediately handed to the officer. The complainant was the owner of the keys. He had tried to replace the suspect’s motorcycle handlebars but failed. When the complainant returned the motorcycle via his truck, the tail and break lights were not working, but the suspect said his lights had been functional when he had last seen his motorcycle. The complainant tried to leave, but the suspect shut the driver’s door and pushed away the complainant’s hand, the complainant said. The suspect grabbed the complainant’s keys by reaching through the driver’s window, because the complainant would not admit to improper handling of the motorcycle or damage to the lights, the suspect said. The suspect never pushed the complainant’s hand, the suspect said. The officer found the pushing accusation unfounded. The complainant decided to pursue a civil case against the suspect in lieu of pressing charges.
Ocoee Fire
The Ocoee Fire Department (stations 25, 26, 38 and 39) reported 97 calls for assistance from Nov. 13-19:
Fire: 1
EMS: 63
Vehicle accidents: 7
Hazardous materials/conditions: 1
Public service: 21
False alarms: 4
Ocoee Police
The Ocoee Police Department reported 757 calls for service from Nov. 13-19:
Arrests (adult): 16
Arrests (juvenile): 5
Assault and battery: 3
Burglary (residential and business): 9
Burglary (vehicle): 4
Child abuse: 4
Criminal mischief: 2
Drug violations: 3
DUI: 0
Homicide: 0
Robbery: 1
Sexual battery: 0
Thefts: 13
Vehicle accidents: 14
Vehicle thefts: 2
Missing/endangered adult: 0
Missing/runaway juvenile: 0
Windermere Police
The Windermere Police Department reported 94 calls for assistance from Nov. 10-16.
Winter Garden Fire
The Winter Garden Fire Department (stations 22, 23 and 24) reported 84 calls for assistance from Nov. 9-15:
Fire: 1
EMS: 59
Vehicle accidents: 7
Automatic fire alarms: 6
Public assistance: 3
Hazardous conditions: 2
Calls for service: 6
Winter Garden Police
The Winter Garden Police Department reported 540 calls for service from Nov. 6-12:
Arrests: Adult, 41; juvenile, 2
Assault/battery: 4
Burglary (residential and business): 2
Burglary (vehicle): 3
Child abuse: 0
Criminal mischief: 2
Drug violations: 6
DUI: 2
Robbery: 1
Sexual assault/battery: 2
Thefts: 12
Vehicle accidents: 29
Vehicle thefts: 0
Missing/runaway adult: 0
Missing/runaway juvenile: 1