- January 14, 2025
WINDERMERE -- Among the final steps in approval of the development of Rosser Reserve, the Windermere Town Council on April 14 unanimously passed an altered developer's agreement from its previous meeting, March 24. At that previous meeting, the council passed a preliminary development agreement and rezoned the 10-acre parcel at 9501 Conroy Windermere Road from town agriculture to planned urban development.
The council felt developers of Rosser Reserve had sufficiently addressed the three major concerns that caused a tabling of the developer's agreement: monitoring stormwater management, the size of the plan's roundabout and a left turn lane into the development.
The development team agreed to bear costs of installing a left turn lane into Rosser Reserve, keep the roundabout at a minimum of 45 feet and allow certain conditions of monitoring stormwater management.
The council also accepted at least $40,000 in fees for the impact of construction and traffic on the town as part of the developer's agreement.
Across Conroy Windermere Road from the proposed development area, on the southern side, is the Isleworth development, which includes the Isleworth Country Club. To the west is Jennifer Lane, and to the east is Lake Down, with the Lake Down boat ramp at the edge of the southeast corner of the development site. To the north is Rosser Road, named after the sole family that lives on it and has been involved in discussions of the site at previous council meetings.
The council reviewed four ordinance propositions and passed all of them.
The first ordinance revised the town's "Lakeshore Protection" section of its land development code, specifically the process for obtaining a seawall permit. Passing the ordinance transferred reviewal and permit issuance from the Development Review Board and the council to the town manager.
The same transferral applied to a revision of the "Accessory Uses" section of the land development code, shifting responsibility for determining approval of home occupation applications to the town manager.
Council members also passed revisions to the "Procedure for Obtaining Development Building Permits" section of the land development code, revising the process for the review of stormwater retention improvements.
The only ordinance drawing any objection pertained to the prohibition of parking commercial vehicles heavier than 15,000 pounds in residential zoning districts, which passed 3-1. Councilman Bob McKinley dissented.
Quality Engineering Services received unanimous council approval to provide training and oversee the Windermere Comprehensive Pavement Management Plan. Costs of the agreement are not to exceed $60,000.
McDirmit & Davis received a renewed approval as the provider of audit services to Windermere from the council.
Councilman Jim O'Brien was absent from the meeting.
Contact Zak Kerr at [email protected].