ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Danielle Hercules

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  • | 3:23 a.m. April 16, 2015
ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Danielle Hercules
ATHLETE OF THE WEEK: Danielle Hercules
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The boys and girls track teams for Windermere Prep had a strong showing at the Class 1A District 7 meet last week, with junior Danielle Hercules helping to lead the way for the Lakers’ girls squad. Hercules won the triple jump, was the anchor for Windermere Prep’s first-place 4x100-meter relay team and also placed second in the 200 meters and third in the 100 meters. 

Your last name is pretty cool. Do you like having Hercules for a last name?

I originally didn’t — when I was younger, people would always come up to me and say, “Hercules, can you lift a car?” “Hercules, can you lift me up and throw me?” It was always the most annoying thing. … Now, it’s fun because all the coaches call me “Herc,” and all my friends refer to me as Hercules, and it’s just really fun.

You won a district championship as an individual and as a part of a relay team — what’s that mean to you?

It was really fun. I didn’t think I was going to win triple jump because I hadn’t done it in a few years. It was really fun to go out there and win.

When did you find out that you were going to do the triple jump at districts, and how did you go about preparing to do an event you had not done for so long?

I found out about a week ahead of time that I was going to triple jump for district. In terms of training, my coach, Sharrod Williams, was actually a triple jumper — so it helps that he knew how to approach it and how to make it not seem as complicated as it seems to most people.

How much do you enjoy being a part of the 4x100-meter relay team?

It’s probably my favorite part of track because we go out there, and everyone is like, “Oh, you just have to stand there and get the handoff,” and it’s not even remotely that simple. We have to do steps and we have to make sure we’re doing the right thing. We have to be in tune with each other.

Playing soccer and running track, which do you like better?

My preference is definitely track. I played soccer as a kid, and it was always one of my favorite sports to go out and play for fun, but I definitely prefer track.

How are you preparing for the regional meet?

For triple jump, I’m going to try and jump four feet farther, so I can make it to state. For running, we’re going to work on fixing the first part and the last part of my races — because I don’t have a fast start (off the blocks), and I don’t really have a good finish, but I’m good with the middle.

Windermere Prep has had some notable success in several sports this year — which is your favorite to support?

I like watching all of them. … I watched basketball, I watched football — but I think my favorite would be lacrosse.

What’s your favorite subject in school?

Probably math. Or art.

Those two are kind of different. Do you enjoy the contrast between them and the parts of your brain that they utilize?

I think it’s fun to have a contradiction. If not, then you’re always just on one side and you can’t really look at things from both sides.

Given your interest in math and art, what do you think you would like to study in college?

Interior design.

What’s your average day like once the final school bell sounds?

English homework, math homework — just homework in every class, really. I try to put aside three hours after school (for athletic training). From 3 to 6 p.m., I’m at track.

What’s the last movie you saw in theater?

I think it was “The Wedding Ringer” with Kevin Hart. I thought it was hilarious.

What are you looking forward to the most about summer?

So much sleep. I love to sleep in; I don’t like mornings. So I’m excited to not have to wake up before noon.


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