West Orange High seeks child actors for "Mary Poppins"

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  • | 2:46 p.m. August 26, 2015
Quick Hits 08.27.15
Quick Hits 08.27.15
  • West Orange Times & Observer
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The West Orange High School Theatre Department will be holding auditions for the role of Jane and Michael Banks in their upcoming production of the Disney and Cameron MacKintosh musical “Mary Poppins” at 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 29.

These two characters are major roles in the show and are on stage for almost the entire performance.

“The two children who are chosen to play these coveted roles must be able to memorize an excessive amount of lines, be able to sing well and must be able to learn choreography,” said Director Ken Rush. “The children’s choreography is not difficult, but the children will have to learn specific movements.”

The two children will need to be available for rehearsals from 3 to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and some weekends. Rehearsals will begin Aug. 31 and continue through Sept. 30. The public performances will be Oct. 1 to 4 and Oct. 8 to 11. There also will be three in-school performances Oct. 6, 8 and 9 during school hours. Those cast must be available for all of these performances. Anyone cast in the show will also need to be available for a possible second run of the show on March 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2016, and a possible performance in March 17 or 18, 2016, in Tampa.

There are also some small parts for other children. The children auditioning should be of elementary-school age and outgoing. They will need to come to the audition prepared to recite from memory a short poem or recite a brief story. They also will need to sing a song not to exceed 90 seconds long. At the audition, the children will be taught a movement or short dance under the direction of choreographer Tara Whitman.

Those wishing to audition need to call the West Orange Theatre Department at (407) 905-2400, Ext. 6162462 for an audition time.


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