Isabella Bustamante, of Dr. Phillips High School, created this cheetah at the Bloom and Grow Garden Society’s 2015 Spring Fever in the Garden. Published April 16.
The Dr. Phillips Elementary School Chorus sang a medley of “Wicked” and “The Wizard of Oz” at Southwest Middle Schoo’s Fine Arts Festival and Auction April 10. Published April 16.
Vincent Marcus, 2, and Penelope Guest, 9 months, took time to savor the moment — and the treat-filled eggs — at the Winter Garden Lions Club’s annual Easter Egg Hunt. Published April 9.
Jennifer Castellano and Kaleigh Johnson were ready to party at Foundation Academy’s first Father/Daughter Dance April 10 at the North Campus. Published April 16.
Paula Ashby, of the Avian Reconditioning Center, introduced Miko, a gunshot-wounded shorttailed
hawk who cannot fly, at the Bloom and Grow Garden Society’s 2015 Spring Fever in the Garden. Published April 16.
Tisha Rambaransingh led the Survivors Lap after sharing her inspirational story during the opening ceremonies for the annual Relay for Life of Winter Garden April 24 and 25. Published April 30.
Richard Daniel Haber, left, Hunter Hudnett, Max Ainsworth and Aubrey Meredith checked out their hauls following Windermere’s Easter Egg Hunt. Published April 9.
Ocoee Police hosted its “Kickin’ It with Ocoee PD,” during which members of the force played kickball and enjoyed lunch with local children. Published April 2.
Shelbi Dunn, left, Destiny Brown and Rachel Mitchell shared hugs and smiles after their race at the Ocoee Parks and Recreation Department’s annual Big Orange Games, held April 18 at Ocoee High School. Published April 23.
Windermere children enjoyed an eggs-traordinary time learning about and decorating eggs at the Tibet-Butler Preserve and Vera Carter Environmental Center. Anna and Carl Leneis worked together to create their eggs. Published April 2.
Performance Ski and Surf’s Mike Dobbins offered paddleboard tips during the Rotary Club of Windermere’s Windermere Spring Fest April 17 to 19 at the Pines at Windermere. Published April 23.
As a child, Editor and Publisher Michael Eng collected front pages of the Kansas City Star during Operation Desert Storm, so it was a foregone conclusion that he would pursue a career in journalism. He holds a journalism degree from the University of Missouri — Columbia School of Journalism. When he’s not working, you can find him spending time with his wife and three children, or playing drums around town. He’s also a sucker for dad jokes.