- January 16, 2025
75 years ago
Sunday afternoon, at the little cemetery at nearby Beulah, a throng of more than 500 Winter Garden citizens traveled to pay their last respects at the interment of the body of first mayor A.B. Newton, known affectionately as the Godfather of Winter Garden.
Throughout the world, Rotary clubs are observing Rotary Week Feb. 18-24, its 35th anniversary. In a special report to Rotary headquarters by W.F. Cappleman, charter member, the activities of the Winter Garden Rotary Club were presented. It was admitted to the Rotary International in 1926 with a membership of 21.
45 years ago
The West Orange Memorial Hospital Auxiliary presented a check for $5,000 to help defray the cost of the hospital’s new intensive-care unit. The money was raised through the Snack Shop and Gift Shop, run at the hospital by the auxiliary. The check was presented by Pat Smith, president, and Dorothy Wurst, immediate past president, to Robert Barber, hospital administrator, and Julian Nally, hospital board member from Gotha.
40 years ago
A most unusual honor has come to Lakeview High School. Word reached the school and the community that three graduating seniors have been accepted for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The successful candidates are John R. Fain Jr., Michael P. Kostoff and James B. Taylor.
Playing in the Mixed 4-Ball Best Ball Tournament, Norma McMillan made a hole-in-one on the 16th hole at West Orange Country Club. She was playing with Jack Veech and Frank and Linda Dillon.
35 years ago
A silent auction for the benefit of Hospice netted $2,325, according to Betty Gnass, who coordinated the event. The event was held at the beautiful new home of Steve and Connie Holland on Roberson Road.
Classified ad: The George Bush for President campaign needs volunteer workers. Anyone interested in helping in this worthy effort is urged to call Gen. Jack Flynn in Windermere or Rep. Rich Crotty.
30 years ago
New short-stay facilities to provide outpatient care for minor surgeries and other procedures are now available at West Orange Memorial Hospital. Registered nurse Betty Flood has been appointed nursing coordinator for this new one-day surgery unit.
A “roast” is a phenomenon of our time whereby friends show their love and respect for a person by saying dreadful things about him. Ray Aldridge, retiring director of personnel for the Orange County Public Schools, got more than his share of barbs and brickbats when several hundred friends and colleagues assembled at the Royal Plaza to honor him. One friend, teasing Ray about his nursery, Bonsai World, said, “Bonsai is when you start with little bitty trees, and then you don’t let them grow.”