- January 15, 2025
+ Winter Garden Masonic Lodge
Jack Quesinberry, right, received his 50-year pin for half a century of service to masonry and the Masonic Lodge. His pin and certificate were presented by Winter Garden Masonic Lodge Worshipful Master Jerry Clark during a ceremony that included other Masons and many members of Quesinberry’s family.
The honoree was elected worshipful master of the lodge in 1970 and was appointed district deputy grand master in 1972. He served on the Masonic board for four years and many of the Grand Lodge committees. He was senior deacon of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge in Florida in 1985. He was also the personal representative to the sovereign grand inspector general for 20 years. He was coroneted an honorary 33rd by the Supreme Council in 1983 in Washington, D.C.
+ Winter Garden Elks
The Winter Garden Elks Lodge 2165 held a charity bingo event June 4 to raise money for the Ocoee Police Department’s DARE Program.
Participants helped raise more than $8,000 for the fund. Ocoee officers John Park and Jason Strange volunteered. Among those serving on the bingo committee were John and Janet Swerko and Roy LaBossiere. The lodge offers bingo at 6 p.m. Thursdays to raise money to support different charities.
+ W.O. Women
The 2015-16 board members for West Orange Women were installed at a recent luncheon at Moonfish Restaurant.
New board members include Mary Borgan, Darby Turnipseed, Mary Greene, Cindy Aebischer, Sheila Thomas, Elaine Wilson and Aurie Bremer.
+ West Orange Senior of the Month: Selene Rudaitis
Selene Balunas was born Feb. 17, 1947, in Waterbury, Connecticut, nicknamed the “Brass City.” She is the daughter of Theodore and Hazel Balunas. She had two half-sisters, Joan and Joyce. Her father was a foreman at the Scovill Manufacturing Company, and her mother was a housewife. After completing grade school and high school, Selene began working as a key-punch operator for Travelers Insurance Company. She also worked at the local hospital and then later went to work for the school system in the cafeteria.
Selene married Thomas Rudaitis, who was a baker, in 1969. Their family grew with the birth of their daughter, Kimberly, and then another daughter, Jennifer. The family moved to Florida in 1988, and Thomas worked for Gorman Plumbing. Selene began working for a refrigeration business and still continues to work part-time for an air-conditioning company.
Along with raising her children, Selene was active in Brownies and Girl Scouts, sang in the church choir and taught Sunday school. Thomas passed away in 2004.
Her extended family lives in Florida, and she has four grandchildren.
Selene is active with the choir and the crafters at West Orange Seniors and attends bingo games and participates in the group’s many trips. Selene can always be found at the sign-in table at the monthly luncheons.
West Orange Duplicate Bridge Club
Results from July 2
In a round-robin game: 1. S. Kmiec – M. Ryan 2. Y. Peabody – Paula 3. H. Parker – M. Lesnik 4. M. and J. Chilton 5. R. Kerkhoff – E. Quinn