- January 15, 2025
70 years ago
Rubie Harris, president of the Winter Garden Welfare League, has opened a private nursery school in the Legion Hall. All children from 2 to 12 may attend. The fees are the same as the War Nursery School.
Word comes from China that Elmer Youngblood has been promoted to first lieutenant.
Memorial services for Rodney Connell, killed in action, were held at the First Baptist Church of Winter Garden.
One of the loveliest parties honoring Miss Dottie Lu Hall and her fiancé, Lt. Harold Johnson, was a buffet supper given by Mrs. B.H. Roper.
65 years ago
The Florida Legislature has appropriated $5,000 for the removal of dead fish from Lake Apopka following a storm that stirred up muck, suffocating about two million fish and causing an unearthly stench. State Sen. J.B. Rodgers met with Gov. Warren and his cabinet.
45 years ago
The Winter Garden Times has been purchased by George R. Bailey, of Dallas, Texas.
Bob Elrod, of Windermere, who has served three terms in the Florida Legislature and has held many other Republican Party leadership posts, has announced his candidacy for lieutenant governor as part of the Eckerd team.
40 years ago
Windermere Mayor Dean Kinsey will have an unveiling ceremony of the new plaque for the time capsule at the foot of the flagpole in front of Town Hall.
Construction of the new West Orange High School is now 75% complete. Opening is scheduled for January 1976 with students using the facilities at Lakeview High School until the end of the year. Lakeview and Ocoee junior high schools will be on double session at Ocoee High.