LETTER: Ocoee: Beware of coyotes, bears

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  • | 1:10 p.m. July 29, 2015
LETTER: Ocoee: Beware of coyotes, bears
LETTER: Ocoee: Beware of coyotes, bears
  • West Orange Times & Observer
  • Opinion
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Dear Editor:

The Ocoee City Commission has been aware for some time that bears and killer coyotes are roaming our city. This indeed was reportedly a topic discussed at commission meetings. Yet they did not see fit to protect the citizens by any kind of notice. As a result, a beloved pet cat was brutally killed recently on LaFayette Street. Its owner is deeply grieved.

Had there been notice, there would have been extra effort to keep this beloved pet indoors full-time. But the owner was totally unaware of the coyote danger lurking on Ocoee streets.

A bear was sighted cruising on Bluford recently, as was a coyote in Admiral Point — yet the city does nothing to warn its citizens. This is reprehensible. When faced with this same situation, the town of Windermere publicized the dangers in the paper and by posting signs. Ocoee does not see fit to do that. Different philosophies, I guess.

These critters are being driven out of their natural habitat, the beautiful stand of trees behind the RaceTrac gas station. They are being sacrificed for a proposed huge development, starting with the quickest revenue producer, 300 apartments to join the largest gas station in West Orange County. Get used to seeing the butts of four-story apartment buildings as you travel Bluford and remember the beautiful homes to wildlife which were destroyed.

Take care: Your pet or your child could be next.

Henry Morgan



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