Dale McDonald wins Maitland mayoral title

Volunteer beats former mayor

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  • | 4:25 p.m. March 10, 2015
Photo by: Sarah Wilson - Dale McDonald and his wife celebrate his win in the Maitland mayoral election at Sam Snead's on March 10.
Photo by: Sarah Wilson - Dale McDonald and his wife celebrate his win in the Maitland mayoral election at Sam Snead's on March 10.
  • Winter Park - Maitland Observer
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After two decades of volunteering for the city of Maitland, Dale McDonald earned his first job on the city’s payroll on Tuesday as the new mayor.

McDonald handily beat out former mayor Doug Kinson for the city’s top elected seat on Tuesday, March 10, earning 67.25 percent of the vote.

“This is the result of a lot of friends’ and neighbors’ hard work … I’m very fortunate,” McDonald said.

McDonald previously served as chairman of the city’s Planning and Zoning Board, and on various other advisory boards since the 1990s.

“I’ve participated for a very long time, and it’s gratifying to see that recognized,” McDonald said. “…I just want to solve problems, and we have a lot to work on.”

The votes tallied for McDonald more than doubled those cast for Kinson in the election, which saw only a 16 percent turnout of the city’s 11,667 registered voters. During the campaigning process, McDonald said he knocked on more than 3,000 of those neighbors’ doors hoping to earn their support.

He will replace outgoing mayor Howard Schieferdecker, who decided not to seek reelection after serving since 2011. Schieferdecker had replaced Doug Kinson at the helm after Kinson’s failed bid for the Orange County Commission. Kinson looked to regain the mayor’s seat in this election, but fell short, earning 32.75 percent of the vote.

“I wish the new leadership and the city of Maitland all the best,” Kinson said. “…The voters of the city of Maitland have made their decision, and they have decided the future of our city, and now that future is in the hands of mayor-elect McDonald.”

McDonald will serve a three-year term, beginning with his swearing in at the April 13 Maitland City Council meeting.


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