Old Times 05.28.15

Old Times 10.29.15
Old Times 10.29.15
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70 years ago

Valedictorian of Lakeview High School’s Class of 1945 is Frances Jane Stulck, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. A.A. Stulck. She plans to enter Florida State College for Women this fall.

45 years ago

Brownies participating in a Girl Scout Troop 729 ceremony were Melodye Hendrix, Terri Moore, Sandra Roper, Elizabeth Walker and Megan Cloughley. Scouts receiving awards were Diane Long, Denise Adams, Lisa Sirmans and Michelle Ficquette.

35 years ago

Officers of Lakeview High School’s last graduating class are Rachel Mashburn, president; Jimmy Jones, vice president; Denise Morris, secretary; and Lisa Godfrey, treasurer. Special recognition went to Rachel Mashburn and Stan Lummus for Most Likely to Succeed, Jeanne Pitchford and Rick Miller for Best Looking, Tim Hutchinson and Lisa Godfrey for Friendliest, Jamela Dangler and Chris Macchi for Wittiest and Denise Morris and Jimmy Spears for Most Popular.

Officers of Ocoee High’s last graduating class are Ricky Anderson, president; Gerald Watson, vice president; Judy Birdyshaw, recording secretary; Sue Cyr, corresponding secretary; and Tami Whitlow, treasurer. Special recognition went to Kurt Ardaman and Tanya Miller for Most Likely to Succeed, Debbie Steinly and Phil Bracewell for Most Talented, Skeeter Hurd and Jody Estes for Wittiest and Rick Anderson and Gaila Hopper for Most Popular.

30 years ago

Most West Orange Countians are aware of Maguire Airport. The fact is, however, that there are many pilots and plane owners in this area. There are now about 50 planes based at Maguire, and many transient aircraft pop into Maguire from throughout the country.

25 years ago

Mandy Maxey was named valedictorian and Kathy Worsham salutatorian of the 1985 graduating class of West Orange High School.

Randy McClellan and Rena Heckman received West Orange High’s Most Outstanding Athletic Career trophies.

From Editor’s Notebook: What’s Ward Britt’s handicap? It’s that a bird flew into his garage and laid six eggs in his golf shoe.

Stained-glass artist Randy Kraft and his wife, Debbie, have moved their business to 28 Joiner St. in Winter Garden from the former Winter Garden Times office at 18 N. Boyd St.

20 years ago

Valedictorians for the Dr. Philips High School Class of 1990 are Catherine Comia, Lara Davis and Kathi Brooks.

West Orange High School’s valedictorians are Shelley Wells, Matthew Vail, Jeff Strickland and Dana Tanner.


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