Old Times 10.29.15

Old Times 10.29.15
Old Times 10.29.15
  • West Orange Times & Observer
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80 years ago

You’ve probably seen several charming young girls here and there with dog collars around their necks. Just one of the many “pleasures” of their initiation into the Sub-Deb Club.

75 years ago

Fire of unknown origin Tuesday night destroyed the 57-year-old depot at Oakland. The building was a complete loss, but the freight and express were saved.

70 years ago

Pfc. Theo Graham has received his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army and will enroll at Lakeview High School.

65 years ago

Football fans from West Orange attending the Florida-Auburn football game in Gainesville Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Stanford, Mrs. Frank Ross, Miss Frances Stulck, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Cappleman, Dr. and Mrs. Gibbs Ashley, Mrs. W.B. Burch, Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Taylor, Miss Barbara Taylor, Mrs. Hal Crowley, Dick Crowley, Fred Roper, Fred Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Britt, Jerry Chicone and Jerry Chicone Jr.

40 years ago

Joan Ritten, of Ocoee, spent six weeks in Japan this summer as part of the Lions Club International Youth Exchange program.

City Commissioner Julian Revels received a nine-gallon plaque from the Central Florida Blood Bank. He is a founder of the blood banks at the West Orange Elks, the Masonic Lodge 165 and the American Legion Post 109.

25 years ago

An advisory committee has been formed to get a Daily Bread program started in West Orange to be sponsored by the Christian Service Center. David Day, pastor of Ocoee United Methodist Church, is chairman, and Ernie Hawk is secretary.

15 years ago

Ocoee Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift cut the ribbon to officially open the new Starke Lake fishing pier to the public during the Ocoee Founders’ Day Festival.

The 31,000-acre Lake Apopka was added to the Clean Lakes bill that was considered by the House of Representatives earlier in the year. The new funding was expected to finance an experimental dredging project to help lake restoration efforts.


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