Old Times 09.24.15

Old Times 10.29.15
Old Times 10.29.15
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80 years ago

For a few cents a week, Lakeview High School students may ride from town to the school building. If there is sufficient demand, a private bus will be operated between Winter Garden and Lakeview at a cost to the student of about 25 or 30 cents a week. It would depart from the shuffleboard courts.

75 years ago

A military flag dedication, a ceremony seldom witnessed by persons not connected with military service, was held at Ocoee Trade School. The flag was donated by Gen. Charles P. Summerall, Florida’s only general, now in command of The Citadel, famed military school.

70 years ago

At a regular meeting of the city commission recently, it was unanimously voted by the members that the city donate the building site for the West Orange Memorial Hospital. The lots, 300 by 380 feet, take in about two-and-one-half acres with paved streets and concrete walks. They are now occupied by the Army camp near Lake Apopka.

65 years ago

The Rev. George L. Granger, vicar of St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Clermont, will hold a service in the American Legion Hall in Winter Garden. He disclosed that he is looking toward the establishment of an Episcopal church in Winter Garden.

“Good Samaritans” got a thrill aiding hurricane victims when they took a truckload of food, clothing, furniture and other necessities from Winter Garden to Cedar Key.

40 years ago

Fly high with the Blue Angels in the Gold Lion Room of the Winter Garden Inn, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. Every Wednesday night, ladies’ drinks are 75 cents.

Exit 80: A sign and radio advertising campaign, starting at the Georgia border, is promoting hotels and services offered at the Ocoee-Winter Garden exit of Florida’s Turnpike.

35 years ago

Orange County’s 911 emergency telephone system, the first of its kind in the world, will go into service Oct. 8.

The West Orange Branch YMCA celebrated the first anniversary of its move to its permanent facility at Windermere and Marshall Farms roads with a day of free activities.

The West Orange Chamber of Commerce sponsored McChamber Day at McDonald’s in Winter Garden with a bluegrass band and activities for everyone.

Mark Miller, a rising star in the country music field, performed at Ocoee Junior High School, where his mother, Irene Miller, teaches mathematics.

25 years ago

The Episcopal Church of the Messiah in Winter Garden marked its 40th anniversary with one service followed by a reception.

10 years ago

Children in the Carisbrooke area of the Wesmere subdivision in Ocoee spent their Sunday raising money for two Hurricane Katrina victims who have been taken in and are being helped by their city. Selling lemonade were Logan Dyer, Allie Brienza, Matthew Reason, Nolan Dyer, Andre Marotta, Brooke Dyer, Madeline Reason, Jennifer Sopena, Nicky Marotta and Isabelle Reason. They donated $1,036 to the Ocoee Relief Fund to help the families who are living in the Best Western on West Colonial Drive.


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