Dr. Phillips baseball presents check to Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital

The Panthers' fundraising efforts through Vs. Cancer netted $2,291.25 for Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and more to national research

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  • | 3:27 p.m. April 14, 2016
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For all the games they have won this season, one of the biggest victories the baseball team at Dr. Phillips High has achieved this spring is the thousands of dollars it has raised to fight cancer.

The Panthers presented a check for $2,291.25 to the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children to help with pediatric cancer costs. In total, the team raised $5,653 through a partnership with the Vs. Cancer Foundation, with the other proceeds going to fund national cancer research.

In an interview earlier this season, following the Panthers' "Vs. Cancer Game" against Olympia High that raised $1,200 alone, head coach Mike Bradley said the initiative was about instilling the value of helping others in his ballplayers.

“It was more of a challenge for my kids to have them do something for someone else in need and do it with passion,” Bradley said. “There’s bigger things in life than baseball, that’s for sure.”


Contact Steven Ryzewski at [email protected].


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