- March 6, 2025
Nov. 22, 12980 block of W. Colonial Drive: Around 6 p.m., a store employee at Chevron gas station had witnessed a male in a black hoodie steal two Budweiser beer cans valued at $2.79 each and run out the store. The employee ran after the thief, and a second store employee located at the back pf the store taking a smoke break was notified of the situation. The employee on break then began to give chase and started wrestling with the beer thief. At this point, the first store employee called Winter Garden police for help. During the scuffle, the beer thief, who was under 21, bit the store employee twice: once on his nipple and a second time on his mid-bicep. The beer thief was eventually secured and arrested, before purposefully hitting his head against a police car partition repeatedly.
Nov. 26, 1074 block of Orange Wharf Court: Around midnight, an officer responded to a call about a possible burglary in progress and encountered a white male and known burglar from previous contact loitering and prowling through the area. The officer decided to question the white male's purpose for walking around the area. The man explained he was coming from a "good friend's" house and was currently headed to his father's house. When asked where his friend lived, he replied "Ocoee." The officer asked for the address, but the man stated he did not know. He then changed his story and said he was actually coming from his aunt's house, who, he said, lives in Apopka, and then stopped by his friend's house. The man changed his story several times, and failed to rid the officer of his suspicion. The officer then searched the man and found two pairs of sunglasses, a clear plastic bag containing a green leafy substance and a $50 RaceTrac card.
Nov. 28, 700 block of S. Bluford Avenue: At 5 a.m., an officer responded to reports of a white SUV that had crossed an intersection and stopped on a median. The car still had the engine running and the lights were on, s the officer banged on the driver's window for about 30 seconds to awaken the driver who was slumped over the steering wheel, asleep. The male driver was unable to stand without leaning on his vehicle and spoke with a slur. A search of the male driver produced two cellphones, several small pieces of aluminum foil, a short piece of straw, four small bags of a cream-colored powder, a glass bottle with Xanax, and a piece of a plastic pen. The male driver later confessed he was possession of Xanax and Heroin.
Nov. 26, 107 block of E. Circle Key Drive: Around 6 p.m., dispatch received reports of a 1997 Nissan maxima driving in circles and doughnuts around the neighborhood, driving in yards, over sidewalks and nearly colliding with pedestrians. The caller advised the driver was trying to fight a family member. Responding officers found the driver stopped halfway on the sidewalk and road and noticed an open can of beer in the center console. The driver's eyes were bloodshot and watery. Upon questioning, officers learned the driver had drunk four glasses of liquor. The driver failed a sobriety exercise test.
Contact Gabby Baquero at [email protected]