Bridgewater Middle School donates 700 books

NJHS members gathered at least 700 books to give to Orange Center Elementary.

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  • | 4:34 a.m. March 31, 2016
Orange Center Elementary students and staff were thrilled to receive books from Bridgewater Middle School.
Orange Center Elementary students and staff were thrilled to receive books from Bridgewater Middle School.
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HORIZON WEST  For the latest service project of the Bridgewater Middle School National Junior Honor Society, teacher Shalandra Cooper had helping other children in mind.

When principal Lisa James told Cooper Orange Center Elementary, in Orlando, had an administrator who had responded with a need for books to enhance student literacy, Cooper's NJHS students answered the call in spades.

In barely two weeks between Feb. 29 and March 14, 161 Bridgewater Middle School NJHS students collected more than 700 books for a school 18 miles away.

“The book selections range from the classic titled books, such as Dick and Jane,” Cooper said, “to more current books from authors such as Jeff Kinney, Susan Collin, Rick Riordan and Barber Park.”

On March 15, advisers and officers of NJHS took the books to Orange Center Elementary.

NJHS president Stephanie Odom said, “Having the opportunity to bless students is an honor for me and my peers.”

Orange Center Elementary media specialist Orethia Grant thanked the Bridgewater team for what she called enrichment with literature.

“Our gratitude goes beyond words on what your students have done for the students at Orange Center,” Grant said. “Your donation has made a world of difference to the families and students and media center.”

Cooper said her students were adhering to the NJHS motto: “'We are making a difference in the world one community at a time' is a true testimony of the imprint they left in the hearts and minds of students, staff and community today.”


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