- January 14, 2025
May 22, 432 block of East Maple Street. Police responded to a home in reference to criminal mischief involving a woman who broke a bedroom window. Upon arrival at the scene, the police officer was informed that one of the residents was woken up around 7 a.m. by a knock at his bedroom window. The source of the knocking allegedly came from the man’s ex-girlfriend. The man said his ex-girlfriend was trying to get him to come outside but the man refused and told her to leave. After being asked to leave, his ex-girlfriend began yelling obscenities at the man’s mother. the man's ex then kicked in the bedroom window, causing the glass to shatter and cut the man’s stomach area and left arm. The woman then stuck up her middle finger, directing it at the man’s mother. Before leaving, the man’s ex also rear-ended the man’s vehicle. The woman was later arrested.
May 27, South Apopka Vineland Road and Citrus Chase Drive. Around 2:40 a.m., law-enforcement officers participating in a DUI Saturation Patrol stopped a vehicle for going 65 mph in a 45-mph speed zone. While following the vehicle to conduct a traffic stop, an officer further noticed the car drifting side-to-side within its lane. Upon making contact with the male driver, officers observed he had watery, bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. The driver informed the officers he was coming from a friend’s place. During questioning, officers noticed the driver’s breath smell of alcohol and asked him to submit to a sobriety exercise test. The man repeatedly refused, stating he had recently suffered leg, hip and shoulder injuries. The driver was placed under arrest and transported to a DUI testing center. En route to the center, the driver told one officer he would charge him for his booking and the towing of his vehicle, adding that he would be out of jail within an hour and would be waiting for the officer outside. Upon arrival, the driver refused to exit the police car and take a breath test, while repeatedly stating, “I am Jehovah” and asking the officers if they believed in God.
May 25, West Colonial Drive. Around 1:30 p.m., a law-enforcement officer conducting traffic enforcement witnessed a red pickup truck traveling eastbound attempt to cut through traffic across a safety gore. The officer conducted a stop and discovered the driver’s license was suspended and the driver had been suspended, revoked and canceled several times beforehand. The driver was arrested for driving with a suspended license.
May 25, Bay Meadow Court. Around 2 a.m., an officer conducting traffic patrol observed a pickup truck traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer caught up and noticed the truck cross over the solid yellow lines twice. The truck then made a wide turn and nearly came into contact with the raised concrete median. The officer pulled over the driver, who had slurred speech and glassy eyes, and the officer detected the smell of alcohol emanating from the vehicle’s open window. The officer noticed the driver wearing a green wrist band associated with a club or bar. The driver repeatedly asked the officer why he had been stopped and that he did not think he had been driving in a suspicious manner. The officer asked the driver if he would submit to a field sobriety test, The man refused and said he had had nothin to drink and was simply heading to a hotel to meet with a female friend. The driver was placed under arrest and taken to a DUI testing center. The driver’s breath tests resulted in readings of 0.193 and 0.200.
May 26, Park Avenue. Around 11:30 p.m., an officer saw the driver of a white BMW approaching the Park Avenue and Maguire Road intersection struggle with the roundabout. The driver displayed jerky steering movements. The driver then sped up to 45 mph in a 30-mph speed zone and swerved back and forth within the travel lane. The officer pulled over the driver and noticed the female driver had glassy eyes and slurred speech. The officer asked the woman where she was coming from but the woman failed to answer as she searched for her vehicle registration and license. When asked if she had anything to drink that evening, the woman replied she consumed two beers. The woman refused to perform a field sobriety test when asked and requested a lawyer shortly after the officer found blue pills that tested positive for cocaine. The woman was arrested and taken to a DUI testing center where she again refused to submit to a breath test.
Contact Gabby Baquero [email protected]