Local cheer team at top of its class

The Junior Black team from Top Gun All-Stars Orlando — a competitive cheerleading gym based in Ocoee — won a national championship last month at CHEERSPORT Nationals in Atlanta.

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  • | 11:58 a.m. March 14, 2017
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OCOEE The girls from Top Gun All-Stars Orlando’s Junior Black team can now say they are national champions. 

The team from the Ocoee-based gym placed first in its division (Junior Large 3 Division B) at CHEERSPORT Nationals from Feb. 17 to 19, in Atlanta, recording a score of 96.53. 

Not only did the girls from Top Gun — who range in age from 8 through 14 — best the 12 other teams in their immediate division, but their score also was one of the highest recorded of the hundreds of teams in the competition, earning them a paid bid to the prestigious, invite-only “The Summit” event in May at Disney.

The achievement makes Junior Black the only of eight teams from the Ocoee gym to win first at CHEERSPORT Nationals and one of only two teams from Top Gun’s three gyms around Florida (a team from Top Gun’s Miami gym also placed first in its respective division).

To follow their national championship performance, the girls also placed first in their division at the “Battle by the Bay” Championships, put on by Spirit Sports Feb. 25 to 26 in Tampa.

Carly Human, one of the team’s three coaches, said the majority of the team’s 32 girls hail from parts of West Orange County including Windermere, Ocoee and other surrounding areas, although some commute from farther away. Human also said continuity has played a big role in the team’s success.

“A ton of them have cheered together — probably about 18 have cheered together (previously),” Human said.

The girls from Top Gun aren’t done yet, either. There is a UCA competition this week at Disney, and there’s still The Summit. Still, that doesn’t mean the girls or their coaches aren’t proud of their achievement in Atlanta.

“It’s hard to put into words — it’s a huge deal,” Human said. “These girls dream of these jackets and rings. So, when you get to see them accomplish one of their cheer girls, it’s pretty amazing.”


Contact Steven Ryzewski at sryzewski@orangeobserver.com.


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