Sports Spotlight - West Orange Times & Observer: Bryan Thomas Jr.

Foundation Academy eighth-grader Bryan Thomas Jr., son of former New York Jets linebacker and defensive end Bryan Thomas, is making his own name in the game.

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  • | 4:53 p.m. September 28, 2017
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Foundation Academy eighth-grader Bryan Thomas Jr. may be the son of former New York Jets linebacker and defensive end Bryan Thomas, but he is making his own name in the game. Thomas Jr., who takes after his father as a linebacker, is a standout on the Lions’ middle-school football team and consistently pushes himself to be better. 


What got you started playing football?

Seeing my dad play in the NFL and seeing him doing (well). I just started trying it out. I’ve been playing for seven years.

Your dad played for the Jets. What’s it like to have his knowledge and experience behind you?

It’s helpful and encouraging. I use his talent that he taught me in the games and stuff, like how to tackle and how to run and all the techniques and stuff.

What goes through your mind when you’re out on the field?

I just listen to warm-up music before the games and think about how to run the ball, run it hard, finding the hole, getting my blocks and tackling.

What’s your warm-up music?

Rap, especially NBA Youngboy.

Where are you hoping that football takes you?

I’m trying to do my education first. Once school is over, then I get my focus onto football, and with football, I’m hoping I go to the NFL.

Have you thought about what else you might want to do after high school?

I was thinking about studying in science in college, so for my backup plan I could be a doctor or something.

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

The best advice my dad gave me is to just worry about yourself. Make sure you make it and become successful, keep your mind on your work, keep your mind on football and become successful.

What’s your NFL team?

The Eagles.

Do you have a least favorite chore?

Going outside and doing garden work and stuff like that. It’s really hot outside, and I’m out there for like four hours.

What’s your favorite subject in school?

History. I just like to learn back on our civilization and how our continent came to be.


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