- January 1, 2025
First Reading: Absentee ballots
The Ocoee Commission will vote on the second reading of an ordinance amending city code governing absentee ballots, which will now be termed "vote-by-mail" ballots. The amendment is required because the state Legislature recently modified its election statutes to reflect the name change.
Second Reading: Rezoning for Inspiration PUD
Ocoee commissioners will vote on the final reading of an ordinance relating to a proposed mixed-use project, dubbed Inspiration PUD, which is to be located on two parcels totaling 16.27 acres of property at the southwest corner of Maguire Road and the Florida Turnpike.The applicant for the project, Maguire Road LLC, is requesting annexation and a change in the zoning classification from Orange County A-1 and Ocoee C-3 to Ocoee Planned Unit Development. The applicant will develop the property with a mixed-use commercial center, including 90 townhome units, a preschool and four buildings for retail/commercial use.
Any residents with questions or concerns may contact Ocoee City Hall at (407) 905-3100.