- January 26, 2025
Four members of the Oakland Police Department have received promotions, and the Oakland Meeting Hall was packed Jan. 9 for their ceremonial pinning.
Family, friends and co-workers were present to honor John Peek, who was promoted from lieutenant to deputy chief; Stacie Quinn, former support services manager who is now deputy director of police administration; and Angela Campbell and Anthony Vitale, two corporals who were promoted to the rank of sergeant.
Police Chief Steve Thomas said there were two reasons for the promotions: the duties and responsibilities of the staff in response to upcoming development, as well as the increased population and addition of commercial properties.
“We are seeing a number of new residential developments come out of the ground, and we anticipate commercial development along State Road 50 and elsewhere as the town’s sewer system initiative continues,” Thomas said.
The operations of the department needed to be revamped, too.
“The rank structure that had been in place for years served the needs of the town before this level of development occurred,” Thomas said. “Rather than play catch up, we felt it was better to get out in front in order to provide the level of service that our residents expect and deserve.”
Thomas said the most critical rank in the department is that of sergeant, because it serves a “boots on the ground” role but also supervises other offices. Before the promotion, there were no sergeants in the department.
Sgt. Campbell is the longest-serving full-time member of the OPD, having been hired in 2009. Thomas said she is good at developing relationships with people on both sides of the law. She also serves as custodian of the evidence property and coordinates the Thanksgiving basket drive and Christmas toy drive.
Campbell is the sole detective at the station.
Vitale serves as part of the K9 unit, and his partner is Chase.
“We are blessed with the police department we have in Oakland,” Mayor Kathy Stark said. “Our crime rate is extra low. The police department is an engaged department with the citizens of this town.”
Commissioner Mike Satterfield added: “We have been through several incarnations of the police department in the last 20 years. This is by far the best.”