- December 26, 2024
Some chilis had beans, some had big chunks of meat and some had corn, but they all were made with the same idea in mind — helping out children fighting cancer.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Florida Realty in Windermere held its second annual chili cook off on Thursday, Jan. 31 to benefit The Sunshine Kids Foundation. Cook off competitors had their chilis judged by Sunshine Kids, and other participants got to sample the chilis as well.
The Sunshine Kids Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing young cancer patients with positive group activities and emotional support. Proceeds of the BHHS Chili Cook Off will benefit The Sunshine Kids.
“It’s like a family,” said Sunshine Kid Alondra Flores. “They’re so welcoming with open arms. … The experiences they give us is something that some families can’t afford or get to because of medical expenses or how sick they are.”
“It gives them hope, and that’s the best thing you can give to a child” her father, Tony adds.