- January 10, 2025
95 years ago
“Special Sunday Dinners, Angebilt Lodge, Oakland, Florida. Special effort is made to please the people of West Orange County. Dining room open 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. for Sunday dinners. Open all times for short orders. Spend a few days at Angebilt Lodge on Lake Apopka. Rooms recently refinished and comfortable. Hunting-Boating-Fishing.”
For sale – small bearing orchard grove and 1 ¼ acres irrigated trucking land. Address, S.B. Hull, Oakland.
Dallas F. Wurst of Ocoee returned Monday from a business trip to Bowling Green, Kentucky.
The Windermere Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting at the Woman’s Clubhouse Monday evening. Great interest was shown in the Central Florida Roads Convention to be held in Orlando.
Wanted – to trade Parson Brown orange buds for new Ford roadster or light truck. J.E. Hancock, Oakland.
For sale – coffins and caskets. Tyndall Furniture Co., Winter Garden.
30 years ago
Winter Garden Police Cpl. Buddy Nash was recognized by the Board of Advisors of the Outstanding Young Men of America. The prestigious award is given to men under age 40 in recognition of their outstanding personal and professional achievements.
Glen Venable, code enforcement official for the city of Winter Garden, was featured in the Real People column. His first job was delivering “hand bills” door-to-door for free passes to shows at Paramount and Duncan theaters in Cushing, Oklahoma. He later worked as an usher, doorman, concession worker and projectionist. His best day was when his college roommate got him a blind date with his future wife, Betty, in 1953.
Cypress Creek Nursery, on Conroy-Windermere Road, planned an absolute auction after announcing it was going out of business after 27 years.
At least 400 people were expected to participate in the annual 10-mile WalkAmerica in Ocoee to benefit the March of Dimes.
The West Orange News
April 26, 1946
During World War II, U.S. citizens were asked to support the “Save Bread for Europe” campaign, which requested they cut back on their consumption of bread so there would be enough for troops and residents in Europe. According to a front-page announcement April 26, 1946, the Agriculture Department announced: “If each housewife would save only a slice of bread a day, the national saving would be one million pounds of bread daily.”
The Winter Garden Heritage Foundation recently shared a 1930s photo of the Dodd home that once stood on South Lakeview Avenue. Shared by Cecelia Ledford, it referenced her grandfather Dodd, who operated a cobbler’s shop on South Main Street. Here is a photo of that shop, which stood in the vicinity of the Garden Music School. The shop was located close to stables owned and operated by the Bray family, and foundation staff wondered if Dodd soled shoes for humans or horses. Ledford answered the question: He was a cobbler, not a farrier.
To share photos and documents about your family, contact the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation at [email protected].