- February 27, 2025
Varsity Windermere High color guard members showed off their skills in their performance called, “Table for Two.”
Bridgewater Middle cadet guard members Eighth-grader Brie Aboud, left, and sixth-grader Isabella Deluca were excited to perform with the Windermere High color guard.
Windermere High junior varsity color guard members waved flags resembling lightning bolts as they did their performance called, “Lost in the Waves.”
Bridgewater Middle cadet guard members tossed flags high into the air as they performed.
Gabby Ramirez, a freshman on Windermere High’s varsity color guard, was all smiles as she performed.
Kayla Pantoja, a senior on the Windermere High varsity color guard, showed off her saber-spinning skills.
Bridgewater Middle cadet guard members tossed and twirled wooden rifles as they performed.
Varsity Windermere High color guard members posed atop a large table during their performance called, “Table for Two.”
Props depicted waves and flags depicted the sky in the Windermere High junior varsity color guard performance called, “Lost in the Waves.”
Windermere High Varsity members lined up side-by-side as they began their performance.
A few weeks ago, the Windermere High School color guard was gearing up for the Winter Guard International Southeast Power Regional competition scheduled for March 21-22. Then, like many large event gatherings across the country, the completion was canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The competition may have been canceled, but that didn’t stop the WHS color guard from showing off their hard work. WHS varsity and junior varsity color gaurd members joined with Bridgewater Middle School cadet guard in a performance demonstration on Friday, March 16, at the BMS gym. All three groups got to perform in front of family, friends, classmates and other supporters.