- March 10, 2025
A senior center fielder on the Dr. Phillips High School baseball team, Brandon Fields has a history of success. A multi-sport athlete, Fields has won a state title in football and made a state semifinal appearance with the baseball team. He’ll be looking to have the same level of success in the fall as a freshman on the University of South Carolina football and baseball teams.
It was at a young age — around 6 or 7. My dad introduced me to baseball at a young age with T-ball — that was one of the sports I first adopted next to basketball. I used to be pretty decent at basketball at a young age, and then later on started getting more serious with baseball. From then on I loved it and I got serious with baseball around 12 to 13 years old when I started playing travel ball.
Just the factor of wanting to compete, and the ultimate team goal to win and go out there with your boys — guys you’ve built a relationship with.
I think the most challenging part about playing baseball is having a consistent routine. With baseball, when you have a routine, it makes stuff easier and you have stuff to go back to when you’re struggling. If I’m having a bad day at the plate, I can have a consistent routine that I can trust and go back to and it’s worked before, so I can get back to that time when I’m doing good. But if I have no plans and no routine, I’m like a chicken without a head — I don’t know where to start and I have no blueprints.
For me, the biggest thing in high school is I see a lot of pitches on the outside part of the plate. I don’t really get pitched in … because if a lot of guys and coaches in the area know about you and you’re on their radar, you don’t really see a lot of good things to hit. So the biggest thing for me is to work on things on the outside part of the plate and be patient — just be patient and wait for my pitch.
We had big goals and aspirations this season, because we knew we were young going into the season — we expected a lot mentally, but you had that factor that we were young. We started off the season pretty hot… and we had a really good preseason tournament. We were riding a wave and catching wins, but we felt like we had a lot more in the tank. I was pretty sad to find the season was canceled indefinitely.
Just the new environment — I’ve lived in Florida my whole life. Getting up there and experiencing a whole other state. The campus itself is also just amazing and beautiful — hands down one of the nicest campuses — and the new facility they built is jaw-dropping.