- January 9, 2025
85 years ago
The federal government allocated $17,445 to Winter Garden for the building of a waterfront recreational area. Plans call for a recreation pavilion; boathouse to accommodate eight large boats; shuffleboard, tennis and croquet courts; and thatched-top houses for picnicking parties.
80 years ago
John Irrgang was honored at kindergarten on his fourth birthday. Mrs. T.A. Shepherd’s class participated. Guests were Billy Britt; Billy Bob Davis; Bobbie Brown; Shirley Ison; Dian Story; David Sayer; George Joiner; Donald Biggers; Tommy Britt; Bill Irrgang; Fritz Harter; and Bill, Ben and Sam Carpenter.
75 years ago
The first green stamp to be used by housewives for rationed foods became valid Nov. 1. Green stamp N-8 became valid, along with the list for red stamps in War Ration Book Four. Red stamps W-1 through Z-1 and green stamp N-8 will be good until Feb. 28.
70 years ago
The city will be “Lit Up” Christmas with 16 strings of lights. Gerald Thompson, secretary-manager of the Chamber of Commerce, after consulting chamber members, decided to light up the city for the holidays. Clubs and organizations were contacted for contributions. Fourteen strings were obtained, and the chamber bought the two strings to compete the project.
30 years ago
Winter Garden Mayor Ray Spears presented John Rees with the first-ever key to the city. Rees is stepping down from the City Commission after serving four years. Spears said he hoped to make a tradition of presenting keys to the city to individuals who do something special.
Ocoee Mayor Lester Dabbs officiated at the swearing-in ceremonies for the returning city commissioners. Present were Sam Woodson, Paul Foster Vern Combs and Rusty Johnson.
Nov. 19, 1970
Citrus has played a monument role in West Orange County for decades. Every year, when the holidays rolled around, the local citrus packers started advertising their gift boxes, which they shipped all over the country and especially to the northern states. X-tra Fine Citrus Packers, in Winter Garden, was one of the many citrus companies who advertised in The Winter Garden Times, eager to share their sweet produce.
A Lakeview High School student contemplates the Pratt-Mastenbrook mansion during a field trip with art teacher Rod Reeves in this photograph from November 1968. The house, constructed in 1928 during the craze for Mediterranean architecture, is located on the north shore of John’s Lake in Killarney, located west of Oakland near the Lake County line. The sprawling home features a guitar-shaped swimming pool and is currently owned by an investment group. It has had many owners, including a member of the infamous Bin Laden family.