- January 14, 2025
85 years ago
Kathryn and Al Valdes returned to Winter Garden after attending summer school at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
75 years ago
Dr. Albert A. Gleason was named to the staff of the proposed West Orange Memorial Hospital in Winter Garden.
55 years ago
A bon voyage party was held at the Cappleman home for John Griffin. Helen Cappleman and Judy Tucker served as co-hostesses. Those invited to bid farewell were Ronnie Donahey, Chuck Hawthorne, Melanie Wingfield, Douglas Girvin, Kay Quigley, Hinton Grimes, Linda Gail Garner, Leigh Kammerer, Charlene Payne, Larry Thompson, Patty Price, Jimmy Pounds, Bonnie Britt, Joseph Toole and Cheryl Strube.
“A mellow band of 100 proof music” was started with the creation of The Kentucky Gentlemen, with Pat Loucks on lead guitar, Wade Bradford on rhythm guitar, Ricky Moore on drums and Jerry Fay on bass guitar.
50 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. George Spigener, formerly of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, made their home in Winter Garden with their two children, Virginia and George.
The Sunday before last, the Rev. Stacy Selph of the First United Methodist Church made a reference in his sermon to the 1971 graduating sinners. That really broke everyone up — including Selph.
40 years ago
West Orange Memorial Hospital trustees voted to a slight increase in the tax rate for next year and to place the extra money in a special building fund for future expansion of the hospital and West Orange Manor nursing home.
Lisa Sims and Kim Traywick were deejays at a recent dance at the West Orange Youth Center. Chaperones were Lynne Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sims and Mr. and Mrs. Bill West.
July 15, 1971
The real estate section of The Winter Garden Times was several pages thick in 1971, and Realtors were eager to advertise homes and properties for rent or sale. West Orange County was the place to score a house for around $14,000, four acres with citrus trees for $12,000 or a large tract of land near Walt Disney World for $1,500 per acre.
Gay Annis, who taught at both Lakeview and West Orange high schools, recently donated a cache of photographs and items related to the history of both schools. This group setting was included. If anyone can identify the people in the photo, call the Winter Garden Heritage Foundation at (407) 656-3244 or post on the WGHF Facebook page.
The history center’s collection of items from local schools continues to grow, but there are gaps, and staff is looking for items to be donated or shared for copying.