- January 17, 2025
Orange County Public Schools has received recognition for its innovative implementation and use of educational technology. The International Society for Technology Education selected OCPS as an ISTE Distinguished District Award.
The award honors districts that demonstrate effectiveness and innovation in the use of educational technology; ensure equitable, accessible and appropriate learning opportunities for all students, aimed at improving outcomes and increasing engagement; and exhibit a progressive mindset when it comes to challenges in education and embrace new ideas and act on them.
OCPS began its 1:1 digital device initiative in 2013, piloting the program at seven schools. Today, students and teachers at all 202 schools receive a digital device for the academic year. Additionally, with the assistance of educational partnerships, families who need assistance with internet access can receive a hotspot or low-cost services. This was especially helpful during the pandemic.
Each student having a device afforded families the opportunity to choose the best educational model for their family: face-to-face or LaunchED@Home.
On the team that implemented and supported schools and families with the transition to digital learning are Mariel Milano, director, digital curriculum; Robert Bixler, associate superintendent; Marcella Wheeler, director, instructional systems; Maurice Draggon, senior director, digital learning; Dr. James Russo, senior director, curriculum and instruction; Allison Kibbey, director, instructional technology and library media.