- January 9, 2025
Jennifer Cowan is Horizon High School PTSO Volunteer of the Month. She started volunteering with the Horizon High School spirit store in late July. She is part of the team that designs, buys and sells anything that can carry the school logo, including shirts, hats, umbrellas, hair ties, hoodies, decals and magnets. She and the team help to manage online orders, run the school store and bring a cart to games to help the fans show their support for the team.
What do you love most about volunteering?
I have really loved meeting not only the people I work with but also the parents and kids (while) working at the store. It allows me to use my time and talents to help build a great community for our family.
What is the most rewarding part of your work at the Spirit Store?
It helps me feel connected to the Horizon community. I love knowing that the work we do directly supports the programs that enrich the lives of the kids at our school.
What are your hobbies?
I love doing anything creative. My creativity has led me to new opportunities, from volunteering as a photographer with local animal shelters, to making and donating masks at the beginning of the pandemic, and most recently to building and running an Etsy shop with our daughter.
What motivates you?
I love learning new things, so I always take any opportunity to learn a new craft or skill. I enjoy creating things that connect me to the community, and doing things that make me feel like I’m contributing and making a difference.
Who is your hero?
I don’t have just one hero, but I’m fortunate to have a group of people I can look up to and go to for help and guidance through different situations I’ve experienced.
What do you do in your spare time?
Our son is on the high school bowling team, so a lot of my spare time right now is spent at the bowling alley. I run my Etsy shop. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. And I’m working on reacclimatizing myself with this area, after being away for the last 12 years. We lived out in California. We were in Napa Valley for seven years and then out in the Sacramento area for five years.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
I think I’d like to have the superpower to be able to time travel. Maybe I just watch too much Doctor Who! But the ability to go anywhere in any period of time and experience different historical events is super intriguing to me.
What’s your favorite movie and why?
I think my kids would disown in me if I said anything other than “Back To The Future,” so I’ll stick with that.
If you could be any cartoon character, which would it be and why?
I would probably be Aang from “Avatar The Last Airbender.” He is on a constant journey of self-discovery and trying to learn new skills, spends his time trying to help people, and travels the world with his friends.
If you could only listen to one band for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?
I think I would listen to The Beatles. They seem to have music for every mood. They have a vast anthology. And so much of today’s music is inspired by their music.