- March 12, 2025
Windermere Prep wide receiver and defensive end Mason Williams broke the Lakers’ school record for most receiving yards during his last game of the season against The First Academy Royals. Williams accumulated a total of 1,476 yards this season. The previous record was 1,429.
How do you feel about breaking the school’s record for most receiving yards?
At first, I didn’t even think I was close to it, (because) last season I had (an) injury. So, it was a blessing to be able to break it.
How long have you been playing football?
I played flag football since third grade, and then I skipped sixth grade to run cross country. I came back (to football) in seventh grade.
What do you love most about football as a sport?
Just the challenges that come with it. I love the work that you have to put in. I remember going to Arizona with my dad (during the summer before eighth grade), and we were training all summer and … we had to do it in 100-degree weather.
How old were you when you first held a football?
I was probably 3 years old.
What do you believe makes you unique on the football field?
I can say my size. The body just gets open and catches the ball. Just being able to catch the ball in different ways.
Is there anything unique to your play style?
I would say attacking the defensive backs leverage instead of just going straight into my route, attacking where they are so they don’t know where I’m going on the field.
How did you come up with implementing that?
Lots of work, lots of one-on-ones that I’ve done with different trainers and just a lot of coaching — especially with my dad, (Sharrod).
What has football taught you not only on the field but also outside of it?
Just what to do when adversity hits, whether you are going to sit down and take it or stand up and keep on going at it until you get to where you want to be.
What are some challenges you’ve had to overcome in your football career?
Well, this past season, I dealt with a hamstring injury that took me out for two games. Last season, I dealt with a finger injury that took me out, and it’s still taking me out for a basketball games until this season. Also hurt my ankle last season, so just constant injuries.
What are you going to miss most about playing football with the Lakers?
Just the brotherhood. I love everybody on my team, no matter how much I try to criticize you or get on you, I love everybody on my team.
Any favorite schools you’d like to hear from?
I would like to hear from Florida State University and the University of Central Florida.
Any thought on what you’d like to study in college?
Psychology. I am an emotional person, and I just want to know the human emotions. I want to know more about the human mindset and what makes people think the way they do.
What’s your favorite hobby?
Anime: I love watching anime. “One Piece,” I started it — that was one of my favorite anime, and it’s the longest one I’ve ever watched … and it’s still going.
What are your favorite movies?
“Inception” and “The Dark Knight Rises.” Both of these I’ve watched with my dad and “Inception” just makes you think — it’s one of those psychology things where it makes you think at the end of the movie and “The Dark Knight Rises” gets me hyped up to work out.
Who is your favorite superhero? Why?
Probably The Hulk, because honestly, he’s the perfect embodiment of humanity. You hide your anger until you can’t.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
It should be mind-reading, but it’s not. I would have to go with the ability to breathe underwater, just be able to be down there, find out what’s down there without the issue of ‘I may die by the water pressure or for not being able to breathe down there.’
What are three places you would like to visit? Why?
Japan obviously because of Anime. I’d like to visit South America — I know a lot of people from there especially with having so many Brazilians (at Windermere Prep), so I’d like to be able to go to Brazil and see its culture. And Europe, it’s a beautiful continent.
What are three things you would bring with you to a deserted island?
I’d bring a weapon, a sword — you don’t run out of ammo with a sword, so that’s for food. A lighter to make that food and just another person in general to not be lonely.
If you could be an animal for a day, which one would it be and why?
A hippo. Just to be able to be underwater and on land — just a little bit of both, and not be like a crab where you could be killed at any time.
What color would you say represents your personality?
I would say green. Yellow and blue make green so I would mix those two colors because yellow— I like to smile, I smile a lot I get it from my mom, and blue — I like being alone too, I just like having my alone time just doing me.