- March 21, 2025
90 years ago
Florida’s citrus crop was going to market in crates made almost entirely of Florida-grown wood. It was estimated the 1922-23 crop would total 18.5 million crates shipped by freight, boat and express. In addition to crates, Florida timber was used by the citrus industry for fence posts, picking ladders, field boxes, truck bodies, packing houses and grove owners’ and caretakers’ homes.
Griffin Chevrolet Company in Winter Garden featured a Chevrolet six-cylinder closed car for as little as $445.
Patrick’s Bar-B-Q featured sandwiches for 10 cents.
Attorney General Cary D. Landis ruled that regardless of congressional action taken in Washington, Florida would have no legal beer until an amendment to the State Constitution was made.
85 years ago
Mrs. James Cloughley was elected president of the Winter Garden Parent Teachers Association. Other officers to serve were Mrs. Ira Thornton, secretary; and Mrs. Curtis Britt, treasurer.
The local fire department answered a call Wednesday afternoon about 3 o’clock to the resident of Bob Tanner, south of Winter Garden, past Fleming’s Corner. The fire, a roaring blaze from a pile of trash and dry shingles, originated from around the wash pot.
An informal Easter Monday dance was held at the Ocoee Woman’s Club with Roy Fulmer’s orchestra providing the music. Admission was 50 cents per couple.
60 years ago
James Powell Sr. of 91 E. Morgan St., Winter Garden, was pictured with a giant rutabaga that weighed 8.25 pounds and was 24 inches around, grown in his back yard. Seed was purchased from McCord’s Feed Store.
50 years ago
From Editor’s Notebook, by Anne and George Bailey: “We had the throat-lumping experience last week of watching our dog graduate from school. The fact that she placed fifth in a class of five hardly dampened our pride. After all, blowing the final exam is something that can happen to any student.”
40 years ago
A vacancy existed in the Winter Garden Fire Department for a full-time firefighter. Chief Jim Briggs planned to resign his present position and take a less-demanding job.
30 years ago
As a delegate to Nickelodeon’s Kids World Council, considered the first kids earth summit, Scott Graham, a fourth-grader at Windermere Elementary had the rare opportunity as one of 56 children from across the U.S. and six foreign countries selected for the event. The highlight of their weekend meeting, called Plan it for the Planet, was a discussion on energy and environmental problems with Vice President Al Gore.
APRIL 18, 1947
The Economy Store was located on Main Street in downtown Winter Garden and offered free delivery for customers who called the grocery store at phone number 321.
In a springtime advertisement in The West Orange News, the store announced “pancake queen” Aunt Jemima would be there in person “serving free samples of my scrumluscious, temptalatin’ pancakes, trimmed with Armour’s butter and Br’er Rabbit table syrup.”
Her ready-mix pancake flour was available for 26 cents for the family size, the Armour’s butter was 75 cents for one pound, and the table syrup was 18 cents for a 24-ounce bottle.
Elsewhere in the store, patrons could purchase one pound of pure lard for 39 cents, one pound of oleo for 45 cents, cube steak for 55 cents per pound, Maxwell coffee for 45 cents per pound, 10 pounds of potatoes for 37 cents and a box of Quaker Puffed Wheat Sparkies cereal for 10 cents.
This setting, photographed in April 2000, shows hay being delivered to the Winter Garden Feed and Seed, once housed on South Main Street in the building where Doxology now is located. The store stocked animal feed, dozens of varieties of seeds and bulbs, health supplies for animals, and articles useful in farming and agriculture. On Saturdays, a veterinarian arrived to administer vaccinations to customers’ stock.
Shoppers never knew what they would encounter upon entering the store — a hefty sow, a rabbit and even a chicken often were spotted strolling the aisles or sleeping.
Steve and Sherry Hines purchased the building in February 1996. Although there had been a similar store at this location, Winter Garden Feed and Seed was established as a brand-new enterprise. The store closed in 2016.