- March 24, 2025
A series of ordinances regarding the continued discussion of a property next to Crown Pointe Equestrian were postponed after the applicant requested a continuance at the Winter Garden City Commission meeting Thursday, April 13.
A passionate discussion from residents and the applicant in March already spurred the commission to move the annexation and development conversation to April.
The applicant is requesting to annex the 30.24-acre parcel on Tilden Road into the city, as well as amend the future land use and rezone the property to Planned Unit Development. The approval would mean the development of a 24-home neighborhood.
The City Commission also approved three site plans for properties in the area. The first applies to the property at 13500 W. Colonial Drive.
Planning Director Kelly Carson said the item is a request to demolish the existing Burger King to rebuild a new 3,349-square-foot building with an expanded drive-thru on the 1.315-acre C-2 zoned site.
Carson said the new building will be slightly smaller and there will be an added bypass lane for the drive-thru in order to provide better circulation. Additionally, a directional median will be installed on the Daniels Road driveway to ensure it is right-out only.
Commissioners also approved a site plan for the property located at 680 and 690 Garden Commerce Parkway. The applicant, Image Builders, is requesting to construct a 29,802-square-foot office/warehouse. The property is located in the Garden Commerce Center Phase 1 commercial subdivision.
The 1.94-acre property is designated Multi-Office Industrial on the city’s Future Land Use Map and is zoned Planned Industrial Development.
The project will have associated development including parking, sidewalks and landscaping.
Commissioners approved a site plan for the property at 902 Avalon Road for a temporary fire station.
Carson said the request by the city is on a 0.45-acre subject property designated Institutional on the city’s FLUM and is zoned No Zoning.
Carson said the city would install two buildings on the site, a 24-foot by 60-foot personnel building and a 36-foot by 40-foot equipment building. Two access drives will be provided along Avalon Road.