- March 13, 2025
Horizon High School freshman weightlifter Jordan Schwenneker recently was crowned the girls weightlifting Class 2A, District 8 champion in the Olympic Division during the districts championship meet. Schwenneker lifted 115 pounds in snatch and 140 pounds in clean and jerk, for a total of 255 pounds.
Tell us about becoming district champion.
It was awesome, really. This was my first time ever competing in high school, so getting to that level my first year was really cool. I’ve been training since I was 8 years old, so it’s taken a long of time and a lot of work. I went to every practice I could make — just a constant hour-and-a-half or two after school lifting, working. It was lots of hard work and focus.
Why weightlifting?
I thought about doing CrossFit, but the competitions were really hard … because you are competing against girls your age, and I was one of the smaller kids. Weightlifting is based on weight, so I started competing and realized it was more about technique and not strength.
What do you love most about weightlifting as a sport?
I love the environment and the people; it’s my favorite thing about it. Everyone is cheering everyone else on, and it doesn’t matter what school you are from. Everyone has (one another’s) backs.
What do you believe weightlifting has taught you not only in the weight room but also outside of it?
It really shows you that being a good teammate can get you pretty far. Supporting your teammates and working hard at the gym, it helps you a lot.
Do you have a favorite lift to do at practice?
I really just love squatting. Squatting is great; it does a lot.
What do you think makes you a unique weightlifter?
I think that probably the age I started and what I’m doing. I think one thing in weightlifting that happens a lot is that you get so involved in the sport that you don’t do anything else outside of school. … I like the fact that weightlifting isn’t my whole life, it’s just something I love doing to stay healthy and strong.
How do you believe you instill leadership in your team?
I think that I definitely will take steps back from whatever I’m doing to help anyone that asks (for help).
What’s your favorite hobby?
I love lifting, but I also have a horse (JJ) and love hanging out with him.
What do you like to do on the weekends?
I actually mostly spend my weekends catching up on notes, then my horse and weightlifting.
What are three things you would take with you to a deserted island?
A good book, a pot to cook with and some matches.
What’s your favorite movie?
“Twister.” I was obsessed with it when I was a kid; I think it’s a fantastic movie.
What TV series are you watching right now?
“The Last of Us.” This is going to sound really nerdy, but I can appreciate the fact that the back story behind the zombies is somewhat scientific; it’s a natural fungus.
Who’s your favorite superhero? Why?
Probably Wonder Woman. I … think she’s great and her backstory and upbringing (are) cool.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
I feel like super strength is fitting for this. I would win districts again (with it).
What are three places you’d like to visit? Why?
I love the redwoods in California; I’d like to go there again. I like Blue Ridge in Georgia, and I really want to go to Scotland.
Which one would you choose: Instagram, BeReal or TikTok?
TikTok; I’m on it the most. I don’t have BeReal. I’m not on Instagram that much.
If you could go back in time to a specific period of history, when would it be and why?
Late 1800s/early 1900s. I I really like the style of clothing and just what they did (back then). It was before modern technology and very live-off-the-land.
What color would you say represents your personality?
It varies from day to day. Sometimes, I’m a purple person, sometimes I wake up and I’m like, “This is so gray.” I’m feeling green right now, a happy green.
If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be and why?
A bird; I just want to know what it’s like just to fly around, wherever.