- January 7, 2025
Members of the Bloom & Grow Garden Society returned to Maxey Elementary School Wednesday, May 24, to plant two more pink trumpet trees in its Plant it Pink program. Students participated in the ceremony, reading class quotes and learning how to properly plant, fertilize and water the trees.
The garden club has planted 25 trees at 20 schools in West Orange County this year and 53 total in 25 schools.
Each school plans its own tree-planting event. Students have named Maxey’s new trees Pinky Bloom and Blossom.
Katy Moss Warner, Tree Committee chair for the garden club, told students they can come back to their elementary school campus years in the future and see the trees they helped plant.
Maxey Elementary’s theme this school year was Blooming to Make an Impact.
Bloom & Grow’s tree program was started in 2022 with Duke Energy as a sponsor. The club’s hope is to cover Winter Garden with pink trumpets in the spring. More than 250 trees were given to Winter Garden residents in October, and trees also have been planted at Orlando Health – Health Central Hospital and at Health Central Park. The goal is to plant 1,000 pink trumpet trees in West Orange County.