- March 13, 2025
Drivers on State Road 429 in West Orange might have seen a few new signs and arrows on during their travels.
Those are part of the Central Florida Expressway Authority’s new Flex Lanes system.
This new system, anticipated to become fully operational on a portion of S.R. 429 in early 2025, allows the left shoulder to open to traffic temporarily when an incident occurs in one or more of the right lanes, resulting in their closure.
The system is part of the State Road 429 Capacity Improvements from Tilden Road to State Road 414.
The Flex Lanes will be controlled by a system of overhead messaging signs. Over each lane, green arrows will signify open lanes, while red Xs will show which lanes are closed. Digital speed-limit signs will be used to advise drivers of the speed limit through the corridor. Additional overhead signs will alert drivers of the roadway conditions ahead.
The Federal Highway Administration has identified the use of a shoulder lane to relieve congestion that results from incidents on roadways as part of its Advanced Traffic Management Strategy. Numerous states across the nation are using this strategy.
The Flex Lanes stretch along 13 miles of S.R. 429 from Tilden Road to S.R. 414 and will be noted with 31 overhead sign gantries.