- January 14, 2025
Duke Energy Florida on Wednesday, Jan. 31, notified the Florida Public Service Commission of its intent to file a rate case in April with increased base rates taking effect in January 2025.
The company is requesting an average annual base rate increase of about 4% during 2025 through 2027.
Even with the requested base rate increase, company officials expect overall customer bills to decrease in 2025. The 2022 fuel under-recovery, storm restoration cost recovery and legacy purchased power contracts will expire year-end 2024, which will lower overall bills in 2025.
“This proposal offers what our customers want — a more reliable energy system using cleaner energy,” Duke Energy Florida State President Melissa Seixas said. “We are focused on making smart energy investments that leverage innovative technology to increase power plant efficiency and reduce outages.”
Duke officials said the proposed investments will decrease outages and shorten restoration times for customers and communities, while reducing emissions.
Investments under the proposed 2025-2027 rate case filing include:
• Continued grid modernization to serve increased population growth through improved reliability, resulting in fewer outages and shorter restoration times.
• Between 2018 and 2023, the company reduced the average length of a customer outage by 27%. In 2023, the company had its best reliability performance in more than a decade.
• Customers are already benefiting from our self-healing technology through our Storm Protection Program. This technology reroutes power and reduces the number of customers who experience outages. For example, during hurricanes Ian, Nicole and Idalia, self-healing grid technologies helped to automatically restore service to more than 230,000 customers who experienced outages and saved more than 200 million minutes of total lost outage time.
• Continued enhancements to power plants to reduce fuel consumption, generating future customer savings.
• Duke Energy Florida estimates customers will save $150 million to $200 million per year in reduced fuel costs from investments under the proposed 2025-2027 rate case filing.
• Building 14 new solar plants between 2025 and 2027, adding another 1,050 megawatts of clean energy to Florida’s grid. These cost-effective solar investments will reduce Florida’s dependence on fossil fuels, increase fuel generation diversity and reduce emissions.
• Additionally, the continued exploration of innovative clean energy technologies, such as long-duration energy storage and the DeBary Hydrogen project, a clean energy hydrogen production and storage system. These projects maximize customer benefits through state-of-the-art technology solutions that offset traditional utility investments, improve the resilience of utility facilities and enable Florida’s transition to cleaner energy.
The proposed 2025-2027 rate case filing is subject to the FPSC approval. The approval process includes public hearings to allow customers feedback on the rate requests and the utility service quality. The FPSC considers customer input when reviewing rate increase requests.
The schedule of public hearings will be announced through the FPSC’s website and customer bill inserts. Timing is expected for mid-year.