Olympia High graduate completes Naval Academy

Sarah Myers has graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and is headed to Pensacola for flight training.

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Sarah Myers always knew she wanted to get a college degree and work in a field that helped people. She never expected to reach that goal through the U.S. Naval Academy.

Myers, a Windermere resident, graduated May 24 from the U.S. Naval Academy, in Annapolis, Maryland, with a Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering and a commission as a U.S. Navy ensign. Her next stop is Pensacola, where she will complete flight school and be assigned a platform and squadron in the aviation community. She’s hoping for an assignment in a jet squadron and to fly in an attack airplane, either the Super Hornet, an F/A-18, or the Growler, an E/A-18.


Myers was a sophomore at Olympia High School when her parents introduced her to a family friend, Gina Savini. She was a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy and was a medical service officer serving on several ships that were sent to New York during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“She had experienced so much aid to civilians in disaster relief,” Myers said. “She told me about the experiences, and it really opened my eyes that the Navy wasn’t just this forceful (agency); … it was also to do good.

“I never considered that you could have multiple missions and multiple efforts, and hearing her experience and how she helped people all over the world, … it really opened my eyes to what the military could do around the world.”

Myers made her decision in high school to join the military to obtain her degree and learn how to be a leader of people.

“And there’s nothing I wanted to do more than those two things,” she said.

A summer seminar in 2019 gave Myers a glimpse of what the Naval Academy and its people and opportunities were like. She loved it and knew her decision was made.

“I applied, and with the help of many people and coaches and officers … I was lucky enough to get an appointment into the Naval Academy,” she said.

While at Olympia, Myers took multiple Advanced Placement classes, which are college-level math and science courses, through the Advanced Placement Experience Scholars Academy — knowing the Naval Academy looks favorably on the STEM courses.

“It even put me a little ahead, and I was able to get a few credits in calculus, economics and English from all those AP classes, so that was great,” Myers said. “It just gave me more flexibility in my schedule to take more classes and electives.”


Myers entered the Naval Academy in the summer of 2020, during the height of the pandemic.

“It was an interesting induction into life at the Naval Academy,” she said. “Our basic training takes place over a block of time called Plebe Summer, and that began with us quarantined for two weeks. Then we completed all the physical … pushups, running, with masks on.”

While at the academy, Myers auditioned for and was admitted to the USNA Women’s Glee Club and was a member of the all-female acapella group, the Riveters. She also performed in the Winter Musical and Halloween Concert and was a member of the Midshipmen Orchestra.

This past year Sarah also held the titles of Winter Musical president, Halloween Concert vice president, 1st Battalion protocol officer and 2nd Company head peer advisor.

“At the Naval Academy, everyone is expected to take on a leadership position during their senior year … to learn how to care for people,” she said. “My leadership was being president of the Winter Musical.

“A lot of people don’t know the Navy has such a big music program,” Myers said. “It gives people the idea that midshipmen are very versatile and can get up and perform and put in the work to put together a theater program or a concert. … I think it instills some hope in the audience that we are good at working together and have the open-mindedness to try our hand at anything that comes our way.”

She also was a member of the Naval Academy’s Aviation Training Squadron, VT-NA, which gives midshipmen the opportunity to find aviation mentors who can share first-hand experience. She was selected for the Aviation Community of the Naval Flight Officer.


Myers’ musical talents are taking her overseas this week for a special performance in France. She and other members of an armed forces academy choir are accompanying World War II veterans, ages 99 to 107, as well as six Medal of Honor recipients for a ceremony in remembrance of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion along the coast of Normandy.

Myers will be singing with officer candidates from the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy West Point, the Coast Guard Academy, Merchant Marine Academy and Air Force Academy.

“Our purpose for being on this trip is to provide our support musically to help both the veterans and their guardians and anyone else who is present at these events,” she said. “We help set the time, set the scene and help convey overarching ideas in a way that everyone can understand that really speaks to the soul, which oftentimes is music. We will be singing prideful music, patriotic music and music that helps remind us that this is a living piece of history we’re accompanying. And for us the future generation to go forward and fight for peace and protect everything that they once protected nearly 80 years ago.”

All performers have been paired up with a veteran. The Naval Academy leadership, including Aaron Smith, director of musical activities, and Commander Ike Stutts, a representative of the Glee Club, spearheaded this trip.

“Our music leadership that has been spearheading so much of this event and working hard to make sure we’re giving the best message we can because this trip is entirely not about the midshipmen or the Glee Club,” Myers said. “We’re 100% in support of serving as the next generation after them.”

Myers is the daughter of Ernest Myers and Theresa Schretzmann-Myers, of Windermere.



Amy Quesinberry Price

Community Editor Amy Quesinberry Price was born at the old West Orange Memorial Hospital and raised in Winter Garden. Aside from earning her journalism degree from the University of Georgia, she hasn’t strayed too far from her hometown and her three-mile bubble. She grew up reading The Winter Garden Times and knew in the eighth grade she wanted to write for her community newspaper. She has been part of the writing and editing team since 1990.

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