League of Cities recognizes ONP for stewardship

The Oakland Nature Preserve received an environmental award for 2024.

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The Oakland Nature Preserve has been recognized by the Florida League of Cities for its efforts to promote environmental sustainability, improve and protect environmental conditions, and provide environmental education and outreach programs. The Environmental Stewardship Award is one of four significant achievement honors given annually by FLC.

 The announcement was made during the Tuesday, May 28, Oakland Town Commission meeting.

The town of Oakland supports the preserve, which offers diverse ecosystems, engaging classrooms and outdoor pavilions that welcomed 40,000 guests in 2023. The preserve hosts students for hands-on science education, as well as summer camps and a Youth Climate Project. For adults, it offers programs that include firefly hikes and senior walking groups.

ONP’s conservation efforts include tree planting and land acquisition.

“I just want to thank Jennifer Hunt and her entire staff and, of course, all of the volunteers who make this happen,” Oakland Commissioner Rick Polland said. “This is just another huge recognition for ONP, and I see ONP continuing on the same path.”


• The Oakland Town Commission approved the consent agenda, which included the following action:

The bid to construct Lift Station No. 7 near Lake Apopka, at the northernmost terminus of the future extension of Jefferson Street, was awarded to RCM Utilities LLC, which bid the projected at $966,464.95. The town was awarded a Florida Legislature grant of $500,000 in 2021 to further its sewer initiative; the remainder of the project will be paid for with utility reserves, accumulated impact fees and develop contributions.

The commission authorized Town Manager Andy Stewart to sign a stipulated settlement agreement with Jerome Scott Wise for property at 202 W. Oakland Ave. In 2015, a code enforcement case regarding a boat and trailer at that address resulted in $50-per-day fines. Wise said he never received notice of the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate hearing and only learned of the code enforcement lien when he tried to sell the home. The agreement states Wise will pay $1,500.

• Oakland’s solid waste franchise agreement expires in February, and a Solid Waste Advisory Group must be appointed to review potential providers. Those appointed were Blaine Dooley, Carlos Esquivel, Edward Kulakowski, John Schmidt and Steve Stanford.

• Stewart announced upcoming budgeting work sessions and hearings at the Oakland Meeting Hall. A work session for the town and the Oakland Avenue Charter School budgets will take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 25. A tentative budget hearing is set for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9, and the final budget hearing is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24.

• Commissioner Sal Ramos said he and Public Works Director Mike Parker attended a meeting with representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation regarding the possibility of landscaping the medians along West Colonial Drive. 

“They put it in, but we take care of the maintenance,” Ramos said. “Our idea is to tie the commercial part of the (future) development of Colonial Drive in the median. … It’s not a need, it’s a want. But in 2030, if our commercial corridor is developed, it’s not going to look so nice if we don’t do this now.”

• Commissioner Mike Satterfield suggested reviving the recognition meal the town used to provide to the Oakland Avenue Charter School PTO for its successful fundraising efforts.

• Commissioners proclaimed May 27, 2024, Memorial Day and June LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the town of Oakland.



Amy Quesinberry

Community Editor Amy Quesinberry was born at the old West Orange Memorial Hospital and raised in Winter Garden. Aside from earning her journalism degree from the University of Georgia, she hasn’t strayed too far from her hometown and her three-mile bubble. She grew up reading The Winter Garden Times and knew in the eighth grade she wanted to write for her community newspaper. She has been part of the writing and editing team since 1990.

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