The dog days of Baldwin

Baldwin Park’s people, paths and parks make it the perfect community for canines and their companions.

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  • | 10:42 a.m. October 4, 2024
  • Baldwin Park Living
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Without a doubt, Will Rogers was beautifully articulate about his love of man’s best friend. As a figure well-known for his love of both people and animals of all kinds, I think Will Rogers would have found himself right at home in Orlando.

I met my wife, Rachel, while living in Pensacola. When we moved together in 2008 to Orlando, one of her first observations was the sheer amount of dog owners. She was amazed. Dogs were seemingly everywhere. 

There is no denying it: Orlando is a dog-obsessed town. And our ample sidewalks and green spaces, easy access to the Cady Way Trail and the beautiful Lake Baldwin Park make Baldwin Park a dog owner’s dream community.

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved dogs. Big dogs, small dogs — it didn’t matter. When I was 5 years old, the movie “Dog Day Afternoon” was playing at a local theater, and I begged my parents to take me to see it. They rightfully refused. Later as an adult, it turned out to be one of my favorite movies, but I was bitterly disappointed as a child to find out the movie had nothing to do with dogs.

My wife and I have three dogs — one mixed-breed rescue Coree and two cardigan Welsh corgis, Panda and Persimmon. Coree is a big, fluffy, older great pyrenees/chow mix and is slowing down a bit. Panda is gentle and sweet — and on a weight loss journey. Persimmon is the youngest and a ball of energy. The one thing in common is that they all love their dog walks.

My weekday alarm is set for 5 a.m. every morning. I use the early-morning hours to relax with a cup of Irish breakfast tea, get a jump on emails and make Rachel’s lunch for her days working in-office. But the very first thing on the agenda is always the dog walks.

In 2011, I spent seven months living in Redondo Beach, California, working on a products liability case for a California law firm. Living my whole life on the East Coast and being transported  to Southern California right on the water was a true culture shock. One thing I noticed right away was that every morning, a phenomenon in surfing known as the “Dawn Patrol” would occur. Surfers would get up when it is still dark, don their wetsuits and hit the water. Walking out to the beach in the early-morning hours I was amazed to see dozens of surfers bobbing on their boards waiting for a wave at sunrise.

I found that in Baldwin Park, there is something akin to the “Dawn Patrol” when it comes to dog walking. I tend to see the same neighbors and furry friends every morning when the sun is just beginning to rise. You can tell some folks are in a rush to get the walk done and head to work, while others use the morning dog walk to connect with nature and energize for the day.

Being lucky enough to work from home, I have the luxury of taking the dogs on multiple walks each day. For me, the first walk always has a different vibe than the mid-morning or afternoon walk. The early-morning walk is usually a get-down-to-business type endeavor.  

I have always considered myself to be something of a picky person. I changed that definition when I experienced how long my dogs take to find the perfect spot. Talk about picky! And heaven forbid if it is during a cold spell, dog walking a picky pup can require some patience.

Having three dogs, I have found it impossible to walk all three at one time. I start out with Coree and Persimmon. I then walk Panda, and sometimes Persimmon joins in for a second walk. Dog walks are healthy for a dog in both body and mind. I always try and remind myself not to rush my dogs during their walks. It is their walk — not mine. 

My favorite season in Baldwin Park is definitely the summer. Being an avid gardener, I love how every summer Central Florida is in full bloom. The summer rains are both a blessing and curse, however. If it was up to me, I would have it pour rain every day starting at midnight for several hours. But Mother Nature doesn’t always cooperate. 

A morning or afternoon rain can really mess up a walking schedule. My dog Coree just absolutely refuses to walk in stormy weather or even do her business in the backyard when it is raining. And Panda won’t budge off the couch at the sound of thunder or a crack of lightning. 

My wife and I have a baby girl Ava Christina. During the weekends and evenings, we add to the fun by having Ava in the stroller and walking the dogs as a family. We are also blessed to have my mom live with us and help with Ava, which has the added benefit of a live-in dog sitter. My wife and I make occasional overnight trips with Ava, usually a staycation at one of the many resorts in town.

Despite Mom being home to feed and care for the dogs, I sometimes utilize a dog walker while away to give the dogs some exercise to keep them happy. Although our home has a fenced backyard, I have found that nothing makes them more restful and content than a long loop around the neighborhood. 

When choosing a dog walker, I have always found the best dog walkers come from recommendations and referrals from friends. Another good source is the excellent Baldwin Park Orlando Neighborhood Facebook group which frequently has posts advertising dog walking services from local residents. Many of the services are offered by students home for the summer or just looking for extra income. It is a great way to stay local and help provide a neighbor some extra spending money.

It is amazing that we have the great Lake Baldwin at the center of our wonderful community. In almost every sense, Lake Baldwin is truly the heart and soul of Baldwin Park. During the summer months, it is important to keep in mind dog safety when enjoying Lake Baldwin. Not only does the pavement get very hot, but also the loop around the lake can be deceiving longer than expected. 

We are also so lucky in Baldwin Park to have such easy access to the Cady Way Trail. On the weekday afternoons sometimes it feels like you have the whole trail to yourself. The other good thing about the Cady Way is you usually have ample time and distance to see approaching dogs, pedestrians and bicyclists. It is important to stay alert on the trail, for both pet and people safety. When walking dogs, be aware of your surroundings and always be diligent about what is coming up behind you. 

Access to Lake Baldwin Park and the off-leash area is an incredible dog-friendly amenity in our own backyard. Although I must admit, I have a love/hate relationship with dog parks. 

On one hand, my dogs absolutely love them. There is nothing better than a successful dog park trip with all three dogs dirtying up the backseat with tongues lagging, exhausted and happy.

On the other hand, you need to be especially vigilant when at a dog park. This can be even harder when you have multiple dogs enjoying the off-leash adventure. 

Given the design of Baldwin Park and close proximity to our neighbors, it is vital to always be a responsible dog owner. This is especially true in the common green areas and the downtown commercial district. Keep your dogs leashed at all times and always ask permission before approaching another dog. 

We could not imagine a better place to live than Baldwin Park. Having dogs and a love of animals such an important part of our lives, I am thankful the Lord has blessed our family with three dogs that are completely in love with our baby girl. The youngest dog Persimmon is particularly smitten. I cannot wait to enjoy my first dog walk with Ava Christina, leash in her little hand and enjoying all the love of her furry siblings. 


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