Windermere girls cross country, Horizon boys finish second at last regular season meet

The 2024 Lake Minneola Hawks' Last Chance XC Open saw a heap of records and personal bests from West, Southwest Orange County's top runners.

Windermere's Annabella Ekebergh (No. 733) and Ryann Lange (No. 735) competed in the 2024 Lake Minneola Hawks' Last Chance XC Open.
Windermere's Annabella Ekebergh (No. 733) and Ryann Lange (No. 735) competed in the 2024 Lake Minneola Hawks' Last Chance XC Open.
Photo courtesy of Windermere High
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Windermere High girls and Horizon High boys cross country teams finished as runners-up at the last regular season meet of 2024, the Hawks’ Last Chance Open.

The Lady Wolverines had three top-15 finishers — Annabella Ekebergh led the way with a personal best time of 19:49, finishing 11th — and a combined team score of 104, 30 points behind Lake Minneola High, finishing higher than any other West and Southwest Orange County girls team. 

Following close behind Windermere were the Lady Hawks of Horizon in fourth, as they set a new school record with a combined time of 102:27.48 thanks to personal bests from each of their runners. 

West Orange High’s Jaiden McKee finished eighth at the Hawks' Last Chance XC Open.
Thomas Lightbody | TK Photography

Horizon finished with a score of 110, with its speedy sophomore Abigayle White finishing third and setting a new school record time of 18:50.35.

White had the best time of all the area’s girl runners participating. Olympia High was the next fastest area girls team at the meet, finishing eighth, led by senior Emily Knopfle, who came in fourth.

On the boys side, the Hawks finished second with a score of 61 behind Oviedo High’s score of 48 — and like the girls team — they set a new school record with a combined time of 83:33. 

Horizon had all five of its scoring runners finish in the top 20, with Jacob Finch topping the area’s runners with a third-place effort — finishing just six seconds behind first and establishing a new school record time of 15:56.50. 

West Orange High’s Jaiden McKee was the next fastest area boys runner, finishing eighth, just 1.1 seconds ahead of Horizon’s Maleik Lewis. Windermere’s boys team was the next best area team finisher, coming in seventh. Ocoee High finished eighth and West Orange finished 10th.



Sam Albuquerque

A native of João Pessoa, Brazil, Sam Albuquerque moved in 1997 to Central Florida as a kid. After earning a communications degree in 2016 from the University of Central Florida, he started his career covering sports as a producer for a local radio station, ESPN 580 Orlando. He went on to earn a master’s degree in editorial journalism from Northwestern University, before moving to South Carolina to cover local sports for the USA Today Network’s Spartanburg Herald-Journal. When he’s not working, you can find him spending time with his lovely wife, Sarah, newborn son, Noah, and dog named Skulí.

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