Windermere girls cross country, Horizon boys win West Metro Conference titles

Horizon boys' Jacob Finch and Olympia girls' Emily Knopfle are West, Southwest Orange's top runners at Metros.

Windermere High girls cross country took home the 2024 West Metro Conference title Oct. 26 at Ocoee High.
Windermere High girls cross country took home the 2024 West Metro Conference title Oct. 26 at Ocoee High.
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The Windermere High girls cross country team and the Horizon High boys team won their respective West Metro Conference team championships Oct. 26 at Ocoee High. 

Horizon was dominant in the boys division as all five of its scoring runners finished in the top 10, with junior Jacob Finch coming in second place — finishing a bit over a second behind first. West Orange High's Jaiden McKee rounded out the podium places with a third-place finish. 

On the girls side, the Wolverines narrowly edged out Horizon for the Metros crown. Windermere had its five scoring runners finish in the top 16, with Ava Lack, Annabella Ekebergh and Ryann Lange leading the way in sixth, seventh and eighth place. 

Olympia's Emily Knopfle won the meet, while Horizon's Abigayle White finished second. 

The Metro Conference meet is the last of the regular season before teams begin competing in their district tournaments this upcoming week. 



Sam Albuquerque

A native of João Pessoa, Brazil, Sam Albuquerque moved in 1997 to Central Florida as a kid. After earning a communications degree in 2016 from the University of Central Florida, he started his career covering sports as a producer for a local radio station, ESPN 580 Orlando. He went on to earn a master’s degree in editorial journalism from Northwestern University, before moving to South Carolina to cover local sports for the USA Today Network’s Spartanburg Herald-Journal. When he’s not working, you can find him spending time with his lovely wife, Sarah, newborn son, Noah, and dog named Skulí.

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